Chapter 1: The begining

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  • Dedicated to Karen Webster ( my mom )


When I was born I had a disease a really bad one called syphonics-x  it was a bad sickness only way to cure me was to mix my blood with a wolf's blood. I was cured by a wolf they called william, william became my wolf brother, my dad was a scientist named Max Todd. Any way I am 14 years old a were wolf as some might say but now known as wolf born. Back to my story that i'm suppose to tell. Jack my dad yelled come help me with this experiment I am down stairs! I got out of my bed put my feet on the cold floor I got into my black T-shirt and blue jeans with a pair of red and black jordan's. Then I headed down stairs into the basement, Jack  I finailly found a way for you and william to communicate by a chip that I can implant in your brain. Ok then do it! My dad put me inside of a cylinder tank and filled it with sleeping gas then everything went black. Next morning I went out side and I heard someone or something calling my name. Jack! The words grew louder and  then it seemed right in front of me. I looked down and it was william. It works! It works! I yelled. Suddenly I jumped in the air. Next day I went to a school. I walked in to the school named Massachutes middle. My pup wolf brother william walked beside me he started to mumble something in my brain suddenly I was pushed to the ground then heat filled my body then I felt stonger then I remember I only could lift only 40 pounds but I felt like I could lift about 450 pounds. The bully started to back up and I got up  pinned him against the wall he studdered something about my eyes turning yellow. William said don't do it. He know what I was going to do, I grabbed his neck and punched so hard in the ribs I think I broke one of his ribs! He fell to the floor hit his head against the wall, then he passed out . He then had to go to the hospital I broke more then his ribs they said I broke his lower spine when he was pinned into the wall so violent from me. I was put into jail well juvinille jail for three weeks.  

    Its been three weeks since the inccedent with the bully. The police in a black and navy blue uniform stopped by and laughed at me and told me I was dumb as a rock saying that I could speak to my pet wolf. hey guess what else said the police named Charlie Wint, no one every will believe that stupid story. He's not a pet he's my brother I raised my voice louder, and I'll prove it one day! Ok big bad wolfy he said thinking I was retarded. He unlocked the door and said your free to go like we promised. I walked out slowly, heat started to fill my body again then I knew what I was born for and why. I was dangerous then I could ever imagaine. I was born to hunt to kill I was a monsterous hunter and the humans was the prey, more than the prey the game. my eyes started to magnify everything the texture the shape even the tone of the color. I knew my eyes would turn yellow. My sense of smell got sharper. I'm starting to become more animal then any thing, my teeth got pointy enough to break a human bone without hurting me. My anger grew undefinenable, uncontainble. I grew very strong, now it's my turn I said low, tempting, and deep. He started to pull out his gun. I ran after him suddenly william jumped on me pushing me away from him william was alot heaver and taller. then before, stop! stop now Jack! yelled william, in a deep awarening voice. Then Charlie Wint pulled out his gun and shot open fire at william only thing was he got williams leg, william limped off of me while the police officer was loading his gun I got up and ran as fast as I could my black medium long hair flew in my face. My skin started to turn grey,I grabbed the police mans arm then yanked so hard on his arm it poped out of place. William and I ran as fast as we could to get away so we don't get shot or killed. The heat srarted to vanish I never felt this way in a long time I fell to the floor in pain. I couldn't get up, william run! I yelled and william did as I said he ran to the woods, I started to cry in pain. They shot me with a tranqulizer and then I pasted out. Next day went by everything was blury like I was in a tank filled with water and leads was attached to me. I saw my dad with some soliders I couldn't hear what they said one of them pulled out his gun I knew what was going to happen I couldn't bear to watch I pretended to be asleep with my eyes closed, then bam!  I opened my eyes he was dead just like my mom like the rest of my family dead lying  in a pool of blood, my dad! I fell a sleep again. The next week passed by and I woked up with the water draining out, william pulled the plug that made this super-sized mega tank turn off. I broke the glass and walked out I saw two more wolves standing next to william. The alarm went off and we ran to escape, no one is left behind this time Jack, william said. We reached the door to the outside world my lungs been begging for fresh, crisped, ripped air.

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