Prologue: The Stilinski Twins

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"Stiles, look at that ornament. It says Lila and it has my picture." The six year old tugged on the sleeve of her brother's footie pajamas as the two of them stared up at their Christmas tree which had been decorated while they were at school. Not being use to having a big Christmas tree since the small Stilinski family usually went over to the McCalls’ home for Christmas, the little girl was more excited than ever. The tiny pink ornament held a picture of a two year old wearing a Santa hat and smiling cheerily up at the camera, showing off her dimples. Her blonde hair was in bouncy curls, not much different than it is now that she is six.

"I know, Lila and that one is mine. Dad says they are the first picture Mom took of us." The taller of the Stilinski twins pulled his sister down with him as he sat in front of the tree and gazed up at it in admiration. Stiles had a soft spot for his sister and her wonder with the world around them. She was the only one in the world who would ever be the other half of him. The only family left for him, with the exception of their father. "We were really little then, I think it was our first real Christmas in this house." Neither of the twins could remember exactly when they moved to Beacon Hills but they knew they were quite young. Little over a year old, according to their father. 

"Do you were wonder about what it would be like if we didn't live here?" Lila questioned as she stared at an ornament of the whole Stilinski family at the park. Their mother was holding Lila as Stiles stood beside her and their father stood nearby with smiles on his face while trying to make it over to the small family in time for the picture. It was an odd question for Lila to ask since she had never really said anything about living in Beacon Hills before. No one had even realized how much she understood about the world around her. She had just always been quiet and observed everything happening. Her usual questions involved why something was one way and not the other, there were never any questions that involved the word if. Lila was the more serious of the two siblings, though.

"Eh, not really. We wouldn't have Scott if we lived somewhere different." Stiles smiled at his little sister as she scrunched her eyebrows up and nodded. It was something you'd expected Stiles to say knowing how much he hangs around Scott McCall, the son of their mother’s best friend. Scott was also six years old but,unlike Lila and Stiles, he was an only child. Lila and Scott were like brother and sister, meaning the two of them fought over every little thing while still being best friends the next minute. Stiles and Lila were the same way, only Stiles was more protective over Lila than Scott.

"I know. I just wonder if we would have anymore friends or I'd dad would have a different job. Maybe mommy would be better if we lived some place different. She wouldn't be sick anymore." The young girl's thoughts reached the ears of their oldest cousin who was walking into the living room at that same time. His eyes watered at what his six year old cousin was saying and he would do anything to stop her from thinking the way she was. Even if that meant having to lying until she was old enough to really understand why her mother was getting sicker. Harper quietly sat down behind the twins and pulled them back towards him as they all looked up at the Christmas tree. He didn't try and talk at first, he just sat there silently. 

"They love both of you, your mom and dad do. Your mom is getting better, Lila, that's why she is home for Christmas. It isn't the place that is making her sick, I promise. You love Beacon Hills, don't you Lila?” Harper paused as Lila nodded her head and Stiles nodded along with her. “You know, Lila, your name was actually going to be Serena. Something convinced your mommy to change it,though. I think it may have been due to my constant begging for her to let me name you. She gladly agreed to change it if I actually had a good name though, she'd do anything to make someone happy. She and your father are doing everything possible to make sure she gets better, okay? You two did nothing wrong nor did Beacon Hills, it was just bad luck that your mom got sick." Lila sighed at what Harper was telling them before climbing on his lap and hugging him tightly with a small smile on her pale face. 

"Mommy still loves us, right?" Lila questioned the older boy as she pulled back to sit facing the tree, though still on his lap. Harper nodded as he pulled Stiles onto his lap, too. Mr. and Mrs. Stilinski were still out Christmas shopping and Harper was babysitting which meant he was the one who had to say these things. The words 'I love you' had hardly been said since the twins figured out their mother was sick. There was rarely ever time. Lila and Stiles were really the only ones who really got to use them anymore. "Good, cause I love her a bunch." Lila leaned further into her cousin’s side as he laid back in front of the Christmas tree. Her hazel eyes began to flutter closed and a smile graced her lips as Harper began to hum Christmas music. Lila would have dreamed this would be her last normal, happy Christmas but it would be. It would also be the last time she got to tell Harper she loved him and the last time the Stilinski family ornament was hung on the tree. The last time they would have a real tree.

"Sleep peacefully, Lila and Stiles. Don't let this cruel world hurt you, together are both too innocent for it." Harper whispered as the twins' breathing began to slow and tiny snores left Lila's lips. Her curly blonde hair almost matched her mother’s perfectly, making him wonder what life would be like if his Aunt wasn't deathly ill. It would probably make the upcoming years a lot easier for Lila Stilinski.

so, this is a new Jackson love story
I hope you like it

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