2. The Arrival Of Ash

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Crystal Lake was once again the site of bloody murder.

But does anyone there really care anymore?

The campsite is used to this happening a lot, especially when there's a killer living there within the woods. After each night, they would bury the bodies of the deceased in the nearby grave yard and pay respect to them, before they just carried on with their lives, like if nothing ever happened.

Or in other words, they just don't give a sh*t about a guy killing perverted teenagers.

Instead, they would rather have fun fairs.

Yes, fun fairs.

Like the one they are holding today.

The camp hasn't been been successful financial wise ever since...

Well, you know.

So, the brilliant minds that runs the camp decided that in order to take the thought of some guy murdering people off the public's mind, they would have to find a way to entertain them.

And that's where the fun fair comes in.

It has all the usual stuff you would expect. Bouncy castles, trampolines, a petting zoo and overpriced food.

They also have some stores there, from the likes of Walmart, McDonald's, Taco Bell, Hot Topic, some British supermarket named ASDA and the best of all, S-Mart.

Yes, that store from Michigan USA.

The place with the top of the line housewares and sporting goods.

And one of the coolest people to ever existed.

Ashley J. Williams (or Ash as everybody knows him by) almost had a normal life.

But then, one night, he brought his girlfriend, Linda, to a cabin. They found a book and a recorded message, which summoned an evil entity that processed people.

That night, a lot of people died, and Ash, now with a chainsaw hand because his actual hand was processed by the entity, went into a portal and ended up in the year 1300 AD. There, he met a bunch of knights, got a metal hand, and fought the 'Army Of Darkness'.

Then, he went back to his time and he pretty much been kicking Deadite ass ever since.

Recently, he been trying to track down the book of the dead, or Necronomicon Ex-Mortes, to try to prevent the Evil Entity from processing people and/or raising the dead and turning them into Deadites.

He learned that the book is somewhere at Crystal Lake, though he doesn't know where EXACTLY it is.

So, he decided to help out at the fair by setting up a S-Mart stand, selling the the top of the line housewares and sporting goods available.

As the fair went on, more and more people showed up.

None of them went to the S-Mart stand, though.

But Ash didn't really care, though. He needed to find the Necronomicon and prevent it from unleashing evil upon the world.

He was about to leave, when a random teen girl went up to him.

GIRL: Hey, you're the cool S-Mart guy, aren't you?

ASH: Correction. The only cool S-Mart guy. How can I hel-

GIRL: Oh my God! You're Ash Williams!

Ash was surprised that anyone would actually talk to him here.

ASH: Yes, I am. Now, I mus-

GIRL: Can I take a selfie with you? You're a monster hunter, right? You should totally kick that boogie man from Haddenfield in the balls. Have you heard of those robots from that pizza place? They look so lame. The ballerina looks like she has fake boo-

Freddy Vs. Jason: Icons Of Horror - Act I: Ashes 2 AshesWhere stories live. Discover now