Chapter Thirteen - Scheduled for Execution

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From the point of entry to the Imperial Prison Astrid was currently in, the place looked identical to the Subterrane. Astrid noticed a guard quite a far away from her, over the other side of the room. She stuck to the shadows again and managed to sneak past him, and continued through, until she came to a damaged section of wall that led into a tunnel.

Following the tunnel lead her to a bricked wall with a lever to the left of her. Pulling the lever made the wall silently move away, opening up on the right side of the cell she was in only a few days before.

She backed herself up against the wall facing away from the gate and carefully peaked around to look through the cell gate, quickly hiding again when she saw the shadow of a guard approaching.

"I have to admit, I'm going to miss you, Dreth. The late night beatings, the pitiful cries for help." The guard reminisced.

"Filthy cur! I told you I was going to get out of here! My time's almost up, and there's nothing you can do about it!" Dreth stated matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, well, what's it been? Seven, eight years? We've had a good long run, you and me. I always knew it would end someday."

"Eleven! Eleven years in this rat-infested hole" But I'm getting out, and you'll still be stuck in here! Hahahahaha!"

"Oh yeah? And where will you go? Huh? What will you do? You can't survive out there, Dreth. You're an animal. You belong in that cage."

"I'll remember that when I'm sitting on the beaches of Summerset Isle with your wife, you Imperial pig."

"Right. And you'll be rich, too. Oh, and you'll become a king! You know what I think, Dreth? I think you'll be back. You lot always come back..."

"You'll see you Imperial dog! When I get out of here, all of Tamriel will know my name! Valen Dreth! Valen Dreth!" he cackled.

"All right, all right. I'm tempted to let you out now if you'll just shut up..." With this the guard stormed off.

Once Astrid was sure the guard had left, she snuck towards the cell door, and quickly picked the lock without Dreth noticing. Dreth was facing away from his cell door muttering to himself about his release, and didn't notice when she closed the gate quietly and leant against it, until she coughed to grab his attention, visibly making him jump.

He turned towards Astrid and slowly stepped forward. As he came closer, surprise showed visibly on his face. "Wait, I know you... You... you're the one! That one that got out a few days ago! Your friend got you out! You lucky bastard! But... you came back...?" He questioned.

A smile crossed his lips. "Come on, you've got to help me! Let old Valen out of this cell! You've got your freedom, now give me mine! What do you say, huh? Come on, friend!"

"Of course, Valen, I'll let you out!" Astrid said in a friendly tone.

He beamed a giant smile as Astrid turned around and pretended to open the gate for him.

"Good, good!" Valen encouraged. "Get me out!"

Astrid noticed how eager Valen was to quickly escape, and quickly turned to face him pushed him back, blocking the exit to preventing him from escaping.

"You dare torment me? Valen Dreth? Let me out of this cell, you fetid piece of Guar dung!"

She stared at him with a blank expression.

"What the..?" Valen began.

Astrid slowly smiled a sickly sweet smile "Oh Dreth... The Night Mother says Goodbye." She spoke innocently.

Dreth's eyes widened with fear "The Night Mo...? No! No! Guards! Guards! Help me! Somebody help! Assassin!" He shouted, but from down here, his shouts would be ignored by the guard.

He backed himself into the corner of his cell, as Astrid stepped closer pulling her dagger out.

"What was it you said to me, Dreth? "You're going to die in here."? Well... Looks like you're the one dying in here." Astrid laughed as she got close to him in his corner.

"No! You can't do this!" He shouted trying to push himself further into the wall.

"Oh, but I can. And now I can prove to you I am much better with a dagger than I am with magic. Just like I told you." Astrid whispered in his ear.

With this, she plunged her dagger straight into Valen's side, making him cry out with pain. She kept the knife in there for a few seconds then twisted it, watching the colour in the Dark Elf's face drain with terror, shock and agony.

She pulled the dagger out and repeated it on the other side, watching him feebly try to prevent her. This time, when she pulled the bloody dagger out, she lifted it in front of Valen's eyes.

"Do you like the sight of your own blood?" She smiled. Valen was struggling to breathe too much to be able to reply.

She then turned her dagger sideways, and ran it across Valen's neck, his eyes looked as if they would pop out if he tried opening them any wider. He tried to speak, but was unable as blood poured from him.

Astrid stepped back and watched the frail man's body slide down to the ground. His body was limp, but his eyes were still wide, staring at Astrid with a mix of pure horror and hatred. Astrid just stared back at him, watching the blood run down his body. She smiled sweetly and turned around, leaving the man to die alone in his cell.

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