The story that ticks off everyone on Wattpad

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*+*This book is supposed to be written badly. It’s a parody of just about all of the books on the What’s Hot List. I swear I don’t write like this in my other books.*+*

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! my alarm clock screamed. Ugh! I hit the snooze and tried to go back to sleep. Anyway, I am 16, 5’6’’, have blonde hair and blue eyes, flawless skin, and a supermodel body. The guys are like so all over me but I don’t know why I am so ugli but guys seem to like me.

I’m in love with my best friend, Jared. He is like so hot! Like a Greek/Sex god. Omg! He is like so yummy. He has ink black hair and blue eyes. He’s also a vampire who wants to suck my blood. Nothing weird about that right? I mean, I like so totally love him, and if he wants to suck my blood, okay!

So, I looked in my closet for clothes. What to wear? I know, a pink top and blue short short skirt. No, to formal. I no, a purple dress and my cute boots. No, too stupid. Ooh! My low cut shirt that completely shows my bra and my extremely short skirt that shows my butt. Perfect. I am like so going to get noticed. I looked in the mirror and I looked horrible. I like so needed something else. But if so I was gonna be, like, late and stuff. Oh well. I have to go.

Oh yeah, my mom is like dead, and my dad is always at work. I basically live by myself. But, I get alot for freedum though.

So, I get to school an immeditaly ever guy is hitting on me. I smile and keep ym head down. I don’t wanna cause a scence or anything. Besides, I looked like crap.

I saw my BFF 4 EVA! She is like the best friend you could eva ask for. Her name is Chloe. She is a brunette, and not as pretty as me which is common I have the best looks ever. But 2day I looked like crap. Still, she’s pretty bad looking. She’s in live with the teacher, and he likes her back. They make such a cute couple. She’s only told me and I promised to keep it a secret.

I tripped over my 4 in. heel black knee high boots that I was wearing and feel onto the guy I hate, Nate, accidentally kissing him in the process.

“Hey!” He said right after. Ugh! As if.

“Watch out, loser!” I screamed and Jared helped me up. “Thanks.” I turned back to Nate. “Hmph!”

“Thanks for the kiss!” He screamed after me. I rolled my eyes. I could never like him.

“Hey,” Jared said.

“Hi. I can’t believe that loser thought I kissed him,” I rolled my eyes once more. I need to totally throw up. Although the kiss was amazing, he was a nerd and I was popular. It would never work!

“I don’t think you did,” He smiled and it made my stomach flutter.

“Can you, like, help me with my books and my locker?” I said beside my locker, though I haven’t moved from where I fell in the hallway. Weird huh?

He laughed and nodded. He was sooo sweet. He put it in my back pack and laughed again.

“Thanks,” I said, flirting. He smiled and looked around awkwardly. He laughed again. Ah, I love his laugh. It’s like bells. He is so perfect!

The bell rang, and since we have every class together, he went with me. Oh, I love that. Always caring for me. My heart was like so happy when I with him.


I hate books written like this. And instead of just writing a rant, I made it into a story. It was painful to write this since I can't stand books like this. Things that I hate that were listed are:

Bad grammar

Bad Spelling

Laughing at everything

The guy described as any type of god

Vampire stories

The popular girl who is perfect and "modest"

The kiss with the guy she hates

The random change of backround when the writter didn't meation anything about it

The long title

The accidental kiss

The love that won't happen

Describing yourself in an unoriginal way

The cliche "Beep" Of the alarm clock.

Girls dressing like sluts

Girls thinking they look horrible in everything 

Note: I DON'T WRITE LIKE THIS IN OTHER BOOKS! I did this on purpose! I know there's bad grammar and spelling, don't comment that please. And please vote is these things do tick you off too!

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