let's get 'em

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That night I went to bed vacillating on whether I should tell my parents about what happened. What am I supposed to tell them?

Mom, Dad, our neighbors got robbed while Leonela and I were alone and watching a movie. Oh and I actually witnessed some of it and had to hide in a trash bin for safety… Also I think one of the thieves goes to my school.

No way! No way am I going to tell them what happened!

When they came back from the store earlier, and asked what occurred, I told them I didn’t know and just heard the police car arrive next door. Nela said the same and that we were watching a movie and didn’t witness a thing. She left about 20 minutes later.

Even though they know what happened since the police came, if they found out me and Nela witnessed the “act of crime next door” they would go on their “ranting rampage” (as per usual). They would most likely scream at me for not being safe, yell at me for putting Nela in danger, then ask/make sure I was okay, and finally scream at me again for not being safe. I think I would have to get some sort of ear drum transplant if I told them. Ehh…I like my ear drums.       


Nela’s POV:

            Jace? Jace… Hayer… is a thief? Could Cole be mistaken? I mean there are plenty of people that could look like Jace… from behind but Cole knows like everyone. Oh well we’ll find him at lunch or something and confront him. After four extremely long periods, lunch was finally here! No more having to listen to my history “teacher”, Ms. Harries. All she does is talk and talk but only about 2% of what she says is useful and actually appears on exams. I’m 120% positive a cave man’s drawing could teach us more about history then an hour long of one of Ms. Harries lecture. But it’s over, thankfully, and it’s lunchtime so I should go find Cole and the rest. The rest as in Aria and Andrea.

            As usual, I found them all sitting at “our” bench. They were all talking, which I assumed was because Cole probably told them about what happened on Friday.

“Hey!” I greeted them.  

“OMG, Nela you’re okay!” yelled Andrea widening her hazel eyes and jumping to hug me. I shot Cole a weird look saying why does Andrea think I was hurt or something, even though none of us got hurt?

“Andrea, I’m right here. You know none of us were hurt or anything right?”

“Yeah I know but I still wanted to make sure you weren’t a ghost...or anything”

“Ghosts. Really Andrea?”

“Zombies. Really Nela?” states Andrea mocking my voice. Which was totally off to be honest.  

“I know I can so imagine Cole and Nela’s faces!" Interjected Aria, "looking completely horrified!”

“What we were scared okay?” Cole states.

“Yeah and we have the right to be too! You guys would’ve probably wet the sofa half way through the movie” I add.

“Mm…hmm…sure” they both say sarcastically at the same time.

“Anyways… I left out a shocking detail to our story!” Cole chimes in.

“A shocking detail?!” asked Aria excitedly, causing her dark brown hair to swish.

“Yep” Cole said looking at me with her light blue eyes, telling me to explain the rest. So I did.

“One of the thieves was Jace Hayer”

We all went silent, starring in each others’ eyes.  And after a long pause Andrea asked if he had  recognized us.

“No, none of them saw us” replied Cole.

“Should we confront him?” Aria questioned.

“Yeah…” I answered while Cole nodded her head.

“When?” Andrea asked. That was probably the million dollar question we were all wondering. After nobody answered, I said “Today…right now?”

“That sounds like a good idea…the sooner the better” Aria stated.

“True, it’ll save the dumb…‘I forgot or I don’t remember’ remarks” added Andrea.

 “Let’s get ‘em!”   

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