Liar, liar, pants on fire!

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***********************Chapter 3***************************************

We all started walking slowly towards the library. Yup, library. I glanced over at Cole and asked her “That’s where he is, right?” The three of us stopped and looked questioningly at her.

            “Mm…Hmm” she answered nodding her head and grinning, “the most unexpected place of all!”

I smiled, knowing Cole was the go-to person about finding information about someone. She wasn’t a stalker or a gossip girl in anyway, she just kind of “knew people”. I would consider her to be the “anonymous/unknown” best friend of most people.

Cole opened the door and I entered with Aria closely following, Andrea, and finally Cole herself. We probably looked like some business people busting in through the doors, ready to sign some contracts. I quickly scanned the room for Jace, like a robot security camera. It seemed like the girls were doing the same to. Brown hair…blue eyes…common… Then suddenly Aria states, “Found him, up in the front computers by the bookshelf”, we all gaze over at that direction and move.

Aria has that kind of investigator sound when finding things, maybe it’s because her uncle, Marcus, “works” with the FBI. “Works” as in does little minor things, reports, paperwork, etc. not like tracking down people or anything. The girls and I all planned to tell Uncle Marcus about the robbery and Jace right after we interrogate Jace big time.

Since none of us planned out what we were going to do, we had no idea what the future held. Obviously, we are great at planning things out ahead of time… As we approached Jace, I wondered how he was going to react. What if he lies? We have no actual proof of him stealing.

Aria was the first to talk; she tapped on his shoulder and told him they needed to talk. He looked at her all weird and said okay. Aria seriously sounded like they had some serious personal issues going on or something but thankfully, he still agreed to talk.

We all walked abruptly toward an empty book-shelf row. After a few moments of silence, he finally asked, “What do you guys need and why do need me?”

“We need to ask you about an event that occurred last Friday”, I answered.


We looked around at each other wondering what to say next since none of had planned the conversation. Then finally Cole came up with something.

“What were you doing last Friday?”

“Why do you want to know what I did last Friday?”

Cole looks at the three of us waiting in response. Should we tell him that we know what he did or make up an excuse?

            “Oh, we thought we saw you by the park or something with a couple of guys” I answer him.

He seems to have taken completely no notice of my clear and totally made-up lie because I wasn’t at the park at all and neither was he. in fact, I don't even remember the last time I've been to that park. Instead of coming up with a different scenario to you know Maybe prove me wrong, surprisingly, he just goes along with my lie.

Jace’s eyes flash with panic for a quick second but then he replies:

            “Yeah, probably. We went there around six, is that when you where there?”

Instead of telling him No you liar! That’s when I was home and my neighbor got robbed by you and some other guys dressed in black, I said “yup, I think that’s when we went! I just never said 'Hi' and didn't want to be rude'”.

            I smile at him and then turn around to leave the library with the girls following behind me with the most confused facial expressions ever. It would have been hilarious to watch them if I weren’t so furious right now! If he thinks he can get away with lying about the incident he can think again! I will find out where he lives (which should be close by me considering the robbery), embarrass him, and then question him about his actions! Two can play at this game.  

            After we left a good distance from the library, I explain to Cole, Andrea, and Aria that we can get him back if he wants to be like this. They nod in agreement and we form a plan, after getting our lunches though. By the time we finish the plan, the bell rings and we all head off to our separate classes. The plan is to first tell Uncle Marcus who is Aria's uncle (that works with the FBI) about the “Jace Case”, which is what we are calling it from now on. Then on Friday, which would be exactly one week after the Jace Case, Cole and I will be walking around my neighborhood searching for Jace with Aria and Andrea hiding somewhere behind as backup. We will then catch him doing whatever shocking thing he is doing or going to do next. If he’s not doing anything wrong, which there could be a great chance of, we will at least know where he lives…

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