Fuyuhiko x Reader (Fluff)

278 2 2

Requester: mystickitsune


'This lesson is just review....' [Name] thought.

It's another school day for the young, high school student. Seems normal, seems boring, until the usual late goer comes in.

Suddenly, the door was sliced in half and it reveals a girl with long, grey, hair that is tied into two braids. She's holding a bamboo sword, so this brings some questions in [Name]'s mind.

"The door was locked and no one heard the knocking." The girl spoke.

"Alright Pekoyama. Just sit down with Kuzuryuu and stay quiet." The teacher bluntly put.

"Yes sir." Peko Pekoyama bows a little and walks in with a boy short-

I mean about the same height as her. Sadly his baby-

I mean his manly face makes her look weak. (Sadly his baby face makes him look weak).

[Name] may or may not had a small crush on the boy. After all, who doesn't love his face?

"Oi." Speak of the devil.

[Name] looks up and sees him, standing next to [them/him/her] was the boy-

I mean man himself. His baby-

I mean tough expression pierces [Name]'s face. Clearly something is pissing this man off.

"I sit there."

"Huh" [Name] blurted out.

"I said I sit there, don't I?" Fuyuhiko repeats himself.

"No...I usually sit here." [They/She/He] defend [their/her/his] seat.

"Really...?" For some unknown reason, the yakuza's cheeks turn light pink, "Cause I thought we were sharing..."

[Name]'s face heats up and [their/her/his] face turns slowly red.

Meanwhile, the other students were watching, shipping the two hardcore since who doesn't?



Such good writing



Awesome as Prussia

Kill me pls

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