Kiyotaka x Reader (Fluff)

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Requester: LydiaBaggins


Today, is a school day, so it was a bad day. All [Name] had today during school was....math. The worst subject, yet Nimi is awesome at it.

[They/She/He] didn't want to be here, nor did anyone else, other than Kiyotaka Ishimaru, the honor student. But today, it was early school dismissal, but the bad thing was [their/her/his] teacher decided to do work today.

As everyone work in despair, including [Name], Kiyotaka worked on the work sheet with joy and finished the work sheet first. He went up to the teacher and hand his work in. Everyone mumbles, saying that he's too much of a goody-two shoes.

[Name] heard this and whispers loudly to the people who said that comment, "At least he has a brain."

The ones who were insulted gasped in surprise, while everyone else just laughed, and a random guy yelled, "BURN"

"Quiet!" The teacher yelled.

Kiyotaka turns to [Name] and stares at [them/her/him]


[Name] runs out of the classroom, but...

"[Last Name]!" A familiar voice calls out.

[Name] sighs in despair and turns around. [They/She/He] sees Kiyotaka right next to [them/her/him] already. 


"[Last Name], thank you for standing up to those jerks!" Kiyotaka smiles at his classmate.

"You're welcome? I just hate people talking about someone their backs." 

"You're that much of an up-standing student? We should hang out more often!" Kiyotaka laughs and pats [Name]'s back.

"That's....not a bad idea." [Name] smiles at the idea of gaining a new friend.

"Great! See you tomorrow!" Kiyotaka walks away as he waves at [Name].

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