Go to Hell. Or Heaven or Purgatory.

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They say hell is a bad place to go after death. Souls are ripped and torn apart trillions of times daily, and the amount of physical torture is unbearable. Sooner or later, everyone becomes a demon.
Even worse is purgatory, which is infested with monster souls; the worst kind of beasts you can think of- flesh eating Leviathans, blood sucking vampires- name it and it's there; ready to torment and torture you the moment you step foot into the place.

But for me, the worst place is on Earth. Filled with greed, lust, jealousy- negative vibes present on every square inch of the planet. Heaven on earth is such an over-used and -not to mention- completely false notion. Sure, we may have the beauty and greenery of heaven in some places but where's the honesty? Where is the compassion, gratitude, helpfulness that one sees in heavenly beings? It simply does not exist, perhaps barring a few people.
How are we better than demons? Wouldn't physical torture be better than mental agonies like revenge, rejection and discomfort? Or even worse- jealousy and anger? Isn't getting hurt physically much, much easier to recover from than the pain you experience when a friend bitches about you behind your back, or when someone you trusted betrays you? And the angels complain that there aren't enough human souls in heaven. How can we expect to go there after the heinous crimes and actions we do? Perhaps the only difference between us and demons is that we are God's creation, they are the Devil's.

I'm done with life on Earth. I just want an escape; to die and go to Heaven or Hell or Purgatory. Whatever.

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