Chapter 12

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"Why didn't you just return to the remaining half of the pack?"

A sigh escaped my lips as he asked me the question.

"I did. I went over and over and over. Back to the same location they lived in. I scanned all 300 acres of their land looking for them. They moved on. I wasn't built to track, and I rarely crossed into wolf territory when I was on my own. I might never see them again."

My hand rose to wipe my watery eyes, but another one beat me to it.

"Don't cry precious." He murmured, his accent so deep and thick.

His green eyes glinted with compassion and love and pity, even maybe understanding.

"I love you Sab, with all my being, you know that?"

I nodded knowingly. I knew he loved me, just as much as I loved him. Maybe more.

Harry watched me expectantly, and I knew right away what he was yearning for.

A reply.

A reply that would show I felt the same about him. That I loved him.

I did, I really did, but I couldn't say it. He was my mate, yes, but he was also my kidnapper and almost even my rapist.

He would have to wait for me to accept him as a trustworthy partner. Just as I



Sniffing slightly, the intruder could tell there was something worrying this leopard pack. The odor of agitation and distress hung heavily in the air mixed with the rain as he made his way into the city, keeping his head down low.

The intruder did not want to run into a leopard right now, he was much too close to be stopped by some hostile kitten.

Of course, however, what else would he expect to just bump into on the street?

The she-cat was fairly pretty he noted, with light gray eyes and blond hair.

She probably would have smiled at him if her nose hadn't picked up the smell of wolf covering him.

Lips immediately rolling back, she snarled and swiped at the lycanthrope, giving him a very nice scar along his cheek, but this was the last wound she would cause for him.

The wolf blocked her next attack, and before thinking, thumped his head against her own.

Stunned for a moment, then unconscious the next, the blonde stumbled over, him being unable to catch her in time.

A clap of thunder rolled overhead, causing him to flinch slightly.

The werewolf grunted as he lifted the blonde onto his shoulders. He needed to leave before any more showed up.


"This weather is beyond perfect," I murmured to no one in particular, as I stared out the window, my eyes tracing each drop of rain as they pounded against the window.

Harry, of course, heard, this and lightly kissed me on my head.

"Just like you beautiful."

The jingle of keys at the front door indicated Zayn was back, and I sneezed lightly as the smell of wet dog overwhelmed my nose.

"Ick, you need some of that magic stuff you were using again. You're scent is so overpowering."

Zayn shut the door and furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"Well I'm sorry I smell like well, a wet wolf. It's not like I've been running around in the rain all day trying to find a few rabbits to snack on."

His tone was testy and sarcastic and I tried to make myself feel small as he hastily pulled off his soaking shirt and threw it down.

A scar, one that I had caused, was barely beginning to fade tracing its way across his back unto his torso, even though it had been almost a two weeks since the incident.

Harry noticed that my eyes weren't on him, and he growled slightly at Zayn.

"Should put your shirt back on, mate."

Zayn, however, was in no mood to be taking orders from Harry, and gritting his teeth, he glared at zayn, his eyes glowing gold.

"And you should try and find some food for your mate, mate, instead of leaving it up to me."

Harry's own glowing eyes glared back, and he surely would have spat out at zayn if I didn't get in the way.

"I can find my own food, I'm a better hunter than all of you combined, but thank you for trying."

"Too bad Harry here won't let you out of the God-forsaken house."

Zayn had a point, and my mate knew it. Ever since Paul left, the boys were growing more vulnerable, and their scent stronger. With it, the leopard pride was becoming unnerved.

The pizza delivery boy had obviously told the rest of them about us being here, even if he had been running away, he wouldn't be so disloyal to his pride.

And if he didn't, the girl Harry had tried to fuck defiantly had, as we were able to see leopard tracks getting closer and closer to the flat.

This all meant we couldn't go into the city without risking capture or a fatality, so the boys were trying to hunt.

Each time, though, they came up with only a few rabbits or squirrels, whom of which's meat was terribly stringy.

"You could just let me out Harry, and I'll bring you guys back a deer."

Harry's stomach grumbled in agreement, although his head shook with a no.

"What if they get you, I can't lose you Sab."

Zayn rolled his eyes.

"She's the fastest thing out here, and Harry, we're starving. I barely caught two hares and the trout Niall caught yesterday are almost gone. I'd never thought I'd see the day I'd actually be craving anything I had to eat raw."

"Please Hazza." I begged, using his affectionate nickname to my advantage.

His head almost nodded, but then he shook it with an almost painful expression.

"No Sabine, that's my final answer."

I let out a huff and rolled my eyes.

If he wanted to starve, fine by me, but I sure as Hell wasn't.

I kept my act of being annoyed at Harry up for the rest of the night, and surprisingly, it was much easier then I thought it would be.

Harry was persistent, but I was even more stubborn.

In the end, he took the couch while I slept in his bed.

Well, pretended to sleep.

As soon as each of the boy's heartbeats evened out, my own quickened.

I would have to act silently.


okay guys please please forgive me I'm a horrible person and this chapters so short! okay well I'm gonna start keeping a schedule of when I post so I'm gonna try to make it AT LEAST once every two weeks, I've said that before but I swear this time for sure. However, since I wasn't on for like half a year, expect way more chapters coming pretty soon. And guys could y'all possibly follow me @ .....ha ignore the name my blogs pretty funny. Ya go head and check that out and I swear I'll try harder even though I'm dumb and whatever plz forgive me mkay? love each and every one of you!

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