Chapter 4

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The Baby- A Sequel to The Bridesmaid

Chapter 4


                It was a normal day at the store when I got a call from Cynthia. My spirits immediately lifted at the sound of my ring tone. I loved to hear her daily stories about Lilly and how well she was doing.

                “Hello?” I answered.

                “Hey Jane! I was wondering if you could come by my house after work. I need to talk to you about something,” She said. I was instantly suspicious. Whenever Cynthia began a conversation by saying ‘I need to ask you about something’ it meant she needed a huge favor. I sighed. Cynthia never changed.

                “Alright. I’ll be closing up here soon, so I won’t be long,” I replied.

                “Ok! See you then!”

                The hours ticked by and before I knew it I was pulling my car into Cynthia and Grant’s driveway. I knocked once and then used my key to open up. They had given me my own key because they had gotten tired of getting up to answer the door when I came over. Oh well, their laziness was amusing.

                “I’m here!” I yelled out.

                “I’m upstairs! In Lilly’s room!” Cynthia called back.

                “Hey. What’s up?” I asked when I arrived at the hot pink destination.

                “Come sit by me. I want to ask you something,” She said.

                “Ok. Shoot.”

                “Well, you know how we have Lilly’s big christening coming up in a couple of months?”

                “Yeah,” I said slowly.

                “Well, it appears that we won’t be able to have it,” She said sadly.

                “Why not?” I asked, concerned. Surely it couldn’t be a money issue.

                “Well, I just don’t think I’ll have time to plan it. This pregnancy has left me really weak ,and it doesn’t help that I get practically no sleep now that Lilly’s here. And, Grant works all the time, so he won’t have any time to work on it. But, I was thinking that maybe you could do it!” She said brightly, looking up at me hopefully, “I mean, you’re so great at planning parties and stuff anyway! And you know all the best caterers and cake places and florists! It would be amazing if you could plan this christening! But, only if you have the time,” She added in at the last minute. I felt torn. This was a huge project, but how could I say no?

                “Well, it would be a ton of work. I don’t know if I could do it all by myself,” I mused.

                “That wouldn’t be an issue! Grant and I have already thought of a solution. You see, Finn owes Grant a favor and we could get him to help you out!” She exclaimed.

                “Um, absolutely not. I won’t work with him,” I said adamantly.

                “But please Jane! Please!” She begged like a six year old, “I would love you forever! Think of how much this would mean to Lilly! And to my parents!”

                “Ugh. Fine. I’ll do it,” I said flatly. Meanwhile, Cynthia jumped up and hugged me! Shrieking with delight!

                “AHH! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! You’re the best!”

                And that, my friends, is how I got roped into planning a christening with my most hated ex. I was sure to be in for an adventure.

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