Chapter 2

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Okay well so this ones gonna be more long and epic.

I kept walking with Chelsea cuddled closely to me and white wisps of warm air fighting the cold came from out my mouth.
I was all alone, no one to accompany me except for Chelsea, but she was just a kitten and how would she communicate to me,she was an animal.
I kept walking my feet numb. I can't go anywhere, not even a hotel. I sat down and tears started to roll down my cheeks.

Why is this happening to me!

Chelsea gave a tiny mewl before laying limply in my arms.
Horrified, i lifted Chelsea's tiny body to my ear. Thankfully her heart was still beating, barely.
I got up and wiped away my tears, now determined to get to a safe,warm place.
I put Chelsea between my warm breast and held onto her so she wouldn't fall through my shirt.

Poor thing, she shouldn't be out here.

I kept running until i came to a stop at a bakery.

It'll be warm in there, it has ovens to make it warm.

I almost patted myself on the back if it weren't for Chelsea mewling from inside my shirt. I quickly opened the door, shocked to find that this wasn't a bakery, it looked as if this was a mansion's long hallway. I didn't care though i slowly stepped inside and closed the door behind me.
At least it was warm in here. I curiously walked around in the hallway when i heard someone clear their throat from behind me.
Startled i spinned around to see a young tall man, he had short dark brown hair and he was wearing a flannel jacket with blue jeans and converse.

"Hello Savannah."He said in a deep sexy voice- wait what?
"H-hi." I stuttered.

He came closer and i took a gulp.

" Welcome to S.C." He said," My name is Ranger."He told me.
"My name is Savannah." I said.
Wait why did i say that,he just said it a minute ago!
I mentally punched myself and blushed.
"I know."Ranger said as if he was amused.

He gently put his hand onto my shoulder and showed me to a door that was tall and heavy looking.

"Davis, let me in!" he yelled at the door.

The door swung open and there was a huge man looming above me.

This can't be good.

As if Ranger had read my mind he looked at me.
"It's okay no one will hurt you, your technically safe." he told me.
"Technically?what do you mean by that?" I said not knowing if i should trust Ranger.
We kept walking until i ran into a table.

Ow that hurt like-

"Hello Ms. Destin."Said a deep,serious voice.
"Percy, get the kitten next to the fire." Ranger said.

I held Chelsea tighter as a short man slowly walked torwards me. I bared my teeth back when he reached out to take my kitten.

" Savannah, its okay Chelsea will be fine." Ranger told me.
"How did you know her name?" I asked suddenly puzzled.
"Savannah, sit." said the deep voice.

I turned my head to see a blue and purple man sitting at the end of a long table filled with many other creatures. I gulped once more.

" Sit." he said again.

Almost instantly i sat down to the closest chair.

"Ms. Destin, you have been brought here to do us a favor." He told me.
"Im not doing anything until i get a name and an explanation." I dared to say.
"Ms.Savannah, i do not take oders from a teenage girl nor do i have to tell you whats going on, now do you want to go back out into the cold or listen to what i have to say?" He said.
I nodded my head submissively.
"There is a werewolf going around and mauling people, we need you to catch it and bring it here." He said.
"The names Ferrow."
"How am i suppoesed to catch a werewolf if im just a normal human being?"I said absolutely baffled.
"Because, you are a werewolf, a powerful one at that and we need you to catch this savage werewolf or you
will never see your father again!" Ferrow said almost spitting.

I thought about it until it smacked me right smack in my head. They captured my father.

"Where is he?" I growled.

I couldn't believe how my voice sounded, no not my voice, something elses.

"We don't have him, Harvey does." Ferrow mumbled almost as if he was afraid of me.
"Who is this Harvey?" I said wanting to do what ever it took to get my father back.
"He is not of importance right now, what is of importance is you catch this werewolf and bring it back here." Ferrow said.
"Whats in it for me?" I asked.
"We will return your father and leave you be."He replyed.

He's probably lying to my face, then again he may be telling the truth.

   I made up my mind.

  "Ill do it, only if you promise you'll get my father and turn me back to human once this is all over." I said.
"Fine,yes as long as you can stick with the promise". Ferrow said.

I nodded my head.

"Then it is settled, we've prepared a room for you and Ranger will show you the way." Ferrow said as he waved his hand for me to exit.
Ranger had Chelsea and he handed her back and Chelsea couldn't stop wiggling.

"So i guess im a werewolf, how i wasn't even bitten." I said.
"Some are just born, some are bitten." Ranger said casually.
"How can you be so calm all the time?" I asked.
"Dunno, just am." he replyed with a smirk.
"Haha, really funny." I said rolling my eyes playfully.
"Oh by the way were going to have to keep Chelsea, its full moon." Ranger said opening the room door.

   My heart dropped to the floor. How can this be happening. I took a gulp as Ranger took Chelsea away from me and closed the door. I could've sworn i had heard a lock switching into place.
I was sweating and i could hardly breath.

  Whats happening to me? All of a sudden a light shone through the window and i turned to see a full moon shining into my eyes. Then it started.

Hey guys this xhapter was so short i promise this next one will be longer and certainly be more epic. K bye!

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