Chapter 3

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Hey guys so i just wanted to give a shoutout to Dawn1135 for making my new cover for the book i love it so much sis!!

Hair started to sprout from my skin making it hard for me to itch in one specific spot. I jolted my hand down to my stomach for it hurt like- Another jolt of pain caused me to lurch down on all fours and paws began to form and my ears grew and my face pulled forward until i heard one last snap of my bone and i was a wolf.
I wasn't me it was like human me was locked in a cage and the wolf inside me was controlling my mind and body.
I then proceeded to growl and i saw a pillow. My natural instinct was tear it up. Then everything went black.

   I woke up and rubbed my eyes. To my surprise, I saw that the room was all messed up and destoyed.

Whoa...i did this?

I got up from where i lay and i realized...i was naked.
I quickly grabbed a short sleeve and jeans, not knowing if they put cameras on, and slipped them on.
I glanced over to see a fridge and microwave.

I wonder if they have bacon.

I wanted a whole plateful.
I opened the fridge to see a huge plate of bacon sitting invitingly on a shelf with alittle note.

Dear Flare,

Thought you would be hungry.


I smiled like an idiot and i quickly grabbed the plate and put into the microwave and as soon as it beeped, the greasy, delicious bacon was in my mouth.
   There was a knock on the door,and i slowly got up. I looked through the peekhole to see Ranger standing at the door. I opened it and he looked up. He looked surprised, and afraid.

"Oh hi."I said blushing a bit at my plainess.
"Uh-umm- Did you eat."He said nervously.
"Yea.."I said slightly confused.
"Okay then, come with me." He said as he carefully put a arm out.

   Confused as ever, i started to walk with Ranger as we silently avoided eachother.
We stopped at a door, and Ranger opened it. I couldn't believe my eyes as i saw millions of doors, opening and closing as creatures or other people walked in and out of them freely.

Kicking my out already huh.

He slowly walked to a door and opened it to reveal a sunny day and the amazing smell of meat and other foods.

" Am i back home?" I asked.
"Yea."He said more confidently.

I stepped out and instantly my wolf was alert.
The door closed behind me.

Okay, you've got this, you just need to find the killer werewolf and get your dad back...not that hard right?

"Hey, S.C sent me to get you." a voice said as i turned around.
   To my surprise, there was a tall man standing in front of me. I could smell his colone, it was strong and it gave me a head ache.
"Wh-who are you." I said finally.
"Im Jerry, but you can call me J. Everyone does." Jerry said.
I nodded my head.

   I was honestly scared out of my mind. I didn't even know this guy, yet i was still following him into the woods.
We kept walking for about 15 minutes until i smelled something like meat.
My stomach growled but i didn't realize that until J. smiled.

"What are you so smiley about?" I said feeling quite embarrassed.
"Nothin." He replyed.

Yea right, nothing, pft.

As i turned my head my jaw almost fell to the ground. There in front of me stood a huge mansion with other werewolves standing guard. I gulped.
J. lead me close to the door and i hesitated walking into the doors that was opened by the guards. I walked inside,very cautiously.
J. obviously saw my actions and smiled even more.

"It's okay, no ones going to hurt you." He told me.

Yea you sure about that buddy?

We kept walking down a hall making many twists and turns until we made it to a huge glass window which im assuming is the back of the house... Er mansion.
Then the meat smell got stronger. The wolf inside me was yearning for some meat right now. Its tongue lolling, drooling with every breath i took in.
   I must have looked like an idiot right now, but my wolf didn't care.

"Whos the newbie?" A deep, sexy voice said.
"Her names Savannah, but you can just call her Flare." J. told the other man.
   The man swerved his glare to me, obviously interested in my emerald eyes.
"H-hi."I stuttered.
"Hey there, my name Dylan." he said.
"Mm, hm." I said.
   I just wanted to sink into the ground, or just maybe disappear off the face of the earth.
"Would you like something to eat?" Dylan asked me.

My wolf perked its ears up, obviously wanting food badly. It whined and pleaded.

"Yea sure."
"Right this way."

Dylan showed me to an array of meats and other things like vegetables and fruit. I wasn't interested in those others though, i wanted meat.
   By the time i got my food i was practically drooling on my plate, taking in the scent of deer and rabbit meat cooked to deliciousness.
In no time i had dug into my meat, not wanting anyone to disturb me or try to seperate me from my meat.
"Looks like your enjoying that." A female voice next to me.
   I turned my head to face a broad black haired woman with piercing blue eyes.
   "Yup, its good."I said shyly.

She must be the luna.

"Hi my name is Cyara, whats yours." She asked me curiously.
"Savannah, but everyone calls me Flare."I told her.
"Ah, what a beautiful name." she said.
I sensed a flash of anger in her voice.
Uh-oh, she does not like me.
   I got up and finished my meat.
I threw my plastic plate away and it looks like everyone was cleaning up.

"Hey J. is there anything i can help you guys with?" I asked politely.
"Nope, we got it under control." He replyed turning back to finish up cleaning the grill.

Well then i guess ill explore.

I sneaked off to behind the house. I cpuldn't believe my eyes. There was a beautiful garden filled with many different flowers and a broad willow tree right in the middle.
I walked up to the tree, and sat down at its long gnarled roots.
   It was time for me to think.I need to figure out where the werewolfs next target is, i need to build my strength up.
The wolf inside me was itching to get out, it wanted to explore and see the garden for itself.
And thats exactly what i did. I didn't know how to turn into a wolf on command but as soon as i let go of my wolf it bounded forward in my mind ready to come out.
   Almost instantly, my hands started to tingle, my bones were cracking and reforming into new parts, my nails sharpning and hair sprouting everywhere tickling my nose. Finally my face began to stretch forward and a tail started to form, and with that, my wolf was free.

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