Our story begins in a tiny village, filled to the brim with wooden houses and crowds of villigers. Many of the big-nosed people were in an open field, standing near their village's lake. Why were they there? They were surrounding an enormous, rock-like creature, known as a gollum. Most gollums were horrible, vicious crearures that would tear apart every living being they saw. But this one was different, special. This was their Grandfather Gollum, a very old and wise being that has defended their village for a very long time.
"Many, many years ago, there was a great and terrible war." said their Grandfather Gollom. "What's that?" Asked one of the villagers. "It is a massive fight between two or more sides, normally lasting a very long time."
"I-I'm scared....." Trembled the youngest of the bunch. There was alot of children, and they did seem to be very afraid, baby villegers. "Do not worry, little one. The war I will tell you about had ended long before you were born, and taken place farther than you'll ever travel."
"Who exactly were fighting, wise one?" Said a grownup villiger who over herd a little.
"What was each race like, and why did they fight?"said one of the baby villigers. "The Nyan race, happy and colorful. The human race, slobs who don't care about anything. They fought because the humans tried to steel there nyan eggs, and they were always so different too."Grandfather Gollom said wisely, with a little hesitation, just relising that he was bringing up a history of a war to little children. "But why did they have to fight?"said another baby villiger. "Because they tride to steel there eggs, wich coud end there entire existence......."
The Nyan War
Cerita PendekI'm sorry if some words are miss spelled, I'm not very good at spelling out words.