Chapter Five: The Heat (Edited)

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Chapter Five: The Heat
Lying on the couch bored I flip through the t.v channels looking for something to watch, nothing seems to entertain me so I turn the t.v off and stand up walking over to the kitchen to make me some dinner. Just as I put the food in the microwave the front door is opens completely shocking me.

I stand frozen in the kitchen my back facing the enterance as I listen to the heavy footsteps of my father making his way closer to the kitchen. The microwave beep sounds the same time he enters, taking the food out I turn around with a plate in my hand standing awkwardly as I wait for him to speak.

Raising my eyebrows as the tension in the room grows he continues to stand in the doorway looking at me. Rolling my eyes I decide to go back to the lounge room to eat, walking around the island and head for the other exit but pause when he finally decides to speak. 

“Ava stay, we can eat together.” He says in a hesitant tone, turning around slightly I watch as he heats up his own food standing in an uncomfortable way.

Deciding to play along I make my way to the table sitting down as the microwave beeps, lifting up my fork I move around the food on my plate as the chair in front of me is pulled. Lifting my head up slightly I see that he is messing around his food with his head down just like me. Like father like daughter.

"I went to school today and it was pretty shit." I state randomly looking at him.

"Yes you started school, I forgot. That's good I'm glad you liked it." He gives a small smile before quickly looking down.

I sit in front of him completely shocked and confused by what he has just said. Opening and closing my mouth I fail to find words that describe what I am feeling. Sucking my bottom lip into my mouth I push my chair out and walk over to the sink placing my plate in before turning around to face my dad.

"I'm going to get some air." I say ready to get out of the house.

“Ava I know this isn’t what you want….. but sometimes life isn’t full of rainbows and unicorns.” He speaks slowly looking at me.

Looking at him in confusion, I tilt my head to the side trying to figure out where that came from and what the fuck I am meant to do with the anger growing in me.

"Okay that was random but seriously you don't have to tell me that I know first hand that life isn't just shits and gigs because you left me and mom in the worst situation ever the only thing I am certain of is that you are full of crap and you don’t get to tell me anything after what you did to me.” I take a breath waiting for his response.

“Do you think it was a one sided decision Ava? because it wasn’t, I tried, God I tried but I lost both of you but now I have you and-“

“And what? You weren't at the airport to pick me up, you weren't home, you're not doing a good job and  do you think that I'm going to welcome you with open arms? Are you delusional?” I question getting a bit angry.

“It’s called a second chance.” He retaliates annoyance in his voice.

“Maybe if play dad and not magician a second chance would be considered but right now I owe you nothing and you don't get to be annoyed with me.” I say while walking towards the kitchen entrance.

“If you're living under my roof you will listen to me, don't walk away when I'm talking to you.”

“How the hell am I meant to listen to you when you aren’t around.” I almost yell.

“Enough with the foul language because I am tryihng it's only been a day since you've been here. You are overreacting.” He roars, startling me slightly. 

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