Draco's Boggart

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Draco stood there, frozen, wand held at the ready, as a nicely clad foot stepped out. Long thin fingers wrapped around the door of the wardrobe. Then the cane, followed by the complete figure.
Everyone gasped. The figure was none other than Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father. 
"His father?" "Why would he be scared of his dad?" The whispers quickly filled the room, but Draco did not register any of it.
"Draco, it's just a boggart! You can't let it get to you?" Lupin yelled, trying to get through to him. It did not work, as Draco suddenly lost all feeling, and panic registered in his eyes at his father's first words.
"You dare disrespect your father, Draco, by raising your wand to me?" Lucius said in a deadly voice. At these words, Draco's wand slipped through his fingers, clattering to the floor. Everyone watche in shock. "That, that is better." Lucius said, his anger still lacing his voice. "Now, I suggest, Draco, that you do NOT disrespect me again. Do I make myself clear?" Lucius said in a deadly quiet voice, even more threatening than Snape's voice. Draco's eyes wide with fear. Draco fiddled with his hands, it was a nervous habit, and as before mention, his father hated it.
"Stop doing that! For the last time, Boy!" Lucius said as he saw Draco's hands. Draco swallowed and clasped his hands behind his back tightly, trying to keep them from shaking. Draco stared at the ground, making sure that his back was completely straight. Lucius grabbed the middle of his serpent cane, and shoved the head of it underneath Draco's chin. Draco lifted his head to face his father. "What is one of the Rules of Respect?" Lucius asked. Draco tried to move out from under his boggart-father's fierce stare. However Boggart-Lucius grabbed Draco's shoulder and gripped it, his nails digging into Draco's shoulder. "Tell me!" Lucius said threateningly. Gripping Draco's shoulder more tightly, causing him to whimper in pain. Lucius growled in anger and pushed Draco back, quickly whispering a curse, and, before it even hit him, he tensed, as a green flash of light hit him, he dropped to his knees, gritting his teeth, keeping from crying out. Once the curse lifted, Lucius grabbed Draco by the collar of his shirt and pulled him up. "NOW!!" Draco shuddered under his father's stare. Everyone was staring in complete shock. Nobody could move. Everyone was just staring frozen.
"'Never lift your wand or voice to your father, do not look at your father with any emotion such as annoyance, irritation, anything of that sort, or with any sign of contempt or anger and emotions related to them, for it shows disrespect, and such a course of action will be punished according to the desire of the offended. No sign of disrespect will be tolerated in the Malfoy household, no matter how small of a degree, nor how large a degree. Disobedience of any kind will be punished, and failing to meet what is expected of you will result in severe punishment, at the desire of your father. Any show of unwanted emotion results in the same.'" Draco whispered, and everyone heard what he was saying. They were absolutely shocked. It was shocking enough that Draco Malfoy's worst fear was Lucius Malfoy, his father, but to hear what Lucius called the 'Rules of Respect' it was obvious why Draco acted as he did.
"Correct, boy, I am surprised you managed to quote it correctly." Draco shuddered at his father's tone. "Of course, you knows what happens when I ask you to quote it and you do it wrong, so  I guess I should not be entirely surprised. However, your disrespect will not go untreated."
"Sorry, Father, I...It will not happen again." Draco whispered. 
"Sorry? Malfoy's do not try to get out of their punishment." Draco ground his teeth his anger was growing, but so was his fear.
"You give punishment for EVERYTHING!" Draco said loudly. Boggart-Lucius's eyes flashed angrily, exactly like Draco's did sometimes, usually when someone talked about his family.
"You disrespect me again?" Lucius whispered deadly. "It seems to me you need another teaching lesson on respect." Draco's eyes widened, he was not going to be able to beat this. Boggart-Lucius raised his cane, the serpent head twirling in his father's left hand, his wand in his right, pointed at Draco. What happened next, they never thought would happen, and never should happen. It was clear when one looked into Draco Malfoy's eyes that he was terrified. However, his composure would say something completely different. Draco Malfoy stood tall and dignified. His shoulders squared back, his head held high, his feet planted firmly on the ground, his jaw clenched, his whole body tense. His arms stiff at his sides, his posture practically perfect. Lucius whispered something inaudible, but Draco tensed once more, before dropping to his knees, pain coursing through him. He glared at his father once it was over. 
"Ah, ah, ah, Draco Malfoy..." Lucius said quietly. "You broke another Rule of Respect." Lucius spat at him. Draco did not care, simply stayed on his knees bracing himself for the next wave of pain which was given a few seconds later. Finally Lupin found the muscles to move, and slipped in front of Draco, faced his fear, and then the Boggart disappeared into the wardrobe. 

"Malfoy, are you okay?" Professor Lupin asked. Draco stood up, somewhat unsteady, but he managed to remain his composure, which the entire class thought amazing considering all that happened.
"Just perfect," Malfoy said, voice filled with sarcasm. 
"You should go to the Hospital Wing, you did take a lot from the cruci..."
"Don't..." Malfoy whispered, in a voice similar to the deadly tone they had just heard his father use. "Say it."
"Very well, you need to go to Madam Pomfrey, now, please." Draco laughed, and it shocked everyone. It wasn't like any laugh that they had heard, much less from Malfoy. It was hollow, bitter, filled with anger and fear and pain.
"Please, I am surprised it didn't get worse. I will be fine, I have been through ten times worse than that. Believe me, I just need to be alone, right now, okay?" Draco said, in a somewhat challenging tone, just like his father had used on him seconds ago.
"Very well, Mister Malfoy."

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