Dead beat

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Disclaimer: i donot own NCIS: LA or any of its characters

She was standing there by herself. Nothing but the bloody blade in her hand. The body on the floor. She dropped the knife and ran, crying. She just killed her father. Her abusive dead-beat of a father. She needed to get away from the house as she heard the sirens in the distance.

She ran to his house. Her boyfriend's, the one that makes her feel alive, helps her forget her problems, makes her feel in love. Kensi's boyfriend Marty, was asleepwhen dhe arrived at his house, there was no light coming from any of the windows. Distort and Upset she heavily knocked on the door creating a gignatic echoing 'thud'. She heard someone running down the stairs in quite a urgent, undeniably sleepy manner. "Kensi?" Mr. Deeks asked rather curiously, "What are you doing here?" Kensi didn't answer with words she let out a gigantic sob. She couldn't hold back the tears and the overwhelming emotion any longer. Mr. Deeks then pulled her inside the house into a comforting fatherly hug.

After a few moments, Mr. Deeks heard his son come down the stairs, who must have heard the commotion from up stairs. Marty then took hold of Kensi and led her to th loungeroom onto the sofa, where he embraced her completely, knowing that, by her grim sadding expression that she needed the comforting.

He was about to ask her what happened when he noticed she was nearly asleep, so he picked her up and carried her up stairs to his bedroom, where he layed her on his bed. As he layed down she snuggled into him, close against his chest, feeling his heartbeat, dirft off into a deep slumber. Just before she completely fell asleep she mummerd three words, his protective grip around her waist tightened as she said then.

She woke panting and drenched in sweat. It takes her a few more moments to comprehend where she is. Laying next her is Marty. She is in his bed, in his arms. She notices he is awake, so very quietly she called out his name and asked "Can we talk?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2016 ⏰

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