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Angela was back in the woods.

For moments, she just stood there at the tree line. There was something about standing there that rendered Angela completely speechless. No matter how hard she thought about it, her feet refused to take her passed the trees.

She remembered being that little girl, scared and soaked to the bone from the rain. She remembered running for days until she finally came upon a safe place where she could stay. She remembered her times in the lab, when that horrible man made her do horrible things.

Sometimes she wonders why he never came for her, but it didn't matter. If it came to that point, she would give herself to him just to save Will.

She gripped her father's pistol tight in her small hand. Her palms were becoming sweaty with nerves, but despite all of the fear and doubt that plagued her mind, she continued forward.

She knows that a gun would never kill that beast, but she swore to herself that she would never use her powers again.

The tree looked just like any other, but it was nothing like them. Angela could remember crawling out of it just before it sealed shut, right before the roar of the monster was cut off. Standing before it now, she could visualize every detail of her childhood.

It was dark now, but that didn't mean that Angela had any plan on going home. No, it was quite the opposite. She would go right to Will.

Crawling through the slimy gateway was something she had done once before, but this time, she was going the other way.

It was just as dark on the other side. Angela was covered in slime and dirt from crawling through the small hole, but she thought nothing of it as she walked forward.

She wasn't sure where Will would be, but the town was small, so there shouldn't be many places as to where he may be hiding.

It could take hours to find him, or even days. She had to be quiet the entire time she's in this world. The monster does not have a face, so it relies entirely on its senses of hearing and smelling.

Angela walked on, her shoes slightly crunching the dead leaves that lay on the ground.

Once she reached the tree line, she heard a roar and a scream. Turning back around, Angela sprinted over to where she heard the scream. It was a girl.

It wasn't just any girl. It was Nancy.

Even if Angela hated Nancy for everything she's done to ruin her, she found that her feet moved without consent in the direction of Nancy.

When Nancy heard Angela, she almost screamed in fear. Angela quickly placed her free hand on Nancy's mouth, quick to keep her quiet. Angela examined Nancy for any injury, finding that her ankle was bleeding and badly bruised.

"How did you get here?" Angela whispered. "Do you have any idea what you've gotten yourself into?"

"You were right," Nancy rushed out. "All of these years, you were right. You aren't crazy."

Angela just stared at Nancy. "Now's not the time, okay? We have to get you out of here."

"But what about you?"

Angela ignored that question as she bent down and tore off a piece of her shirt. She wiped up the wound on Nancy's ankle, throwing the piece of cloth as far away from them as possible. She then wrapped up the ankle to somehow cover up the scent of blood.

"Can you walk?"

Nancy nodded, but stumbled just the slightest. "Sort of."

"Listen, from here, we have a clear-"


Angela paused at the sound of Jonathan's voice. Nancy went to reply before Angela set a hand over her mouth once again. There was a loud roar coming from behind them.

"I'll distract it, but you run as fast as you can and don't look back," Angela whispered, making sure Nancy understood.

"You're just going to stay here?" Nancy asked incredulously.

"I have to find Will. Now, go now!"

Nancy ran, not looking back as the roar of the monster echoed through the trees. She heard the hurried footsteps of Angela and the monster, and one faint gun shot. Not once did she look back.

She crawled through the closing hole in the tree, crying at the fact that she could have died and that she just left her rescuer there in that dark world to die.

Jonathan pulled Nancy's body the rest of the way through, her body landing heavy on top of him. They were both out of breath and completely exhausted. Nancy cried heavily on Jonathan's chest, and he didn't know what else to do for her except hug her and tell her that it would be okay.

"Angela was there," Nancy finally said, pulling away from Jonathan. She sniffles, wiping away the tears and slime from her face. "She saved me."

"What?" Jonathan stared at Nancy, his eyes wide. "What was she doing in there?"

"Saving Will."

Another update for you because I feel bad for not updating in so long. It was a rough weekend, but I'll try to make up for it.

Hope you enjoyed, and thank you for reading.

All my love,
mikayla x.

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