Chapter 36: Fight With A Demon

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Right, I've had my break. It's time to get back to work.

Sorry for the lack of updates I really have been busy.

On with the book!

Aaron's POV

(The rest of the book will probably be in Aaron's POV)

I was oddly fine with bringing everyone along. Even Zane tagged along, begrudgingly with his brothers ushering him on the old ship.

It was old, it was wooden, and huge. It was one of the old English Navy ships. But it was still in good shape, at least for what we were using it for.

Everyone came, Laurance, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, Brendan, Cadenza, Jeffery,Dante, Lucinda, and Travis.

Aphmau was sleeping in the captains quarters with me. It was kinda cool I had to admit, Captain Aaron... Rolls right off the tongue. 

Adrain and Lilith were home, Zoey, the midwife, had offered to watch them for us.

Lucinda was using the language on the letters to find where the language was used. It should give us a head start on where to find the estate.

"Aaron are you sure about this?" Dante asked about an hour into the trip, the sea had gotten rocky and Nicole was getting sea sick.

"Dante, you and Nicole are welcome to leave, I'm sure Travis wouldn't mind stopping to let you two get on one of the smaller boats."

"No, we'll stay, Travis is a little grouchy, I'm not sure he likes the sea."

As if on cue, Travis cursed loudly, a seagull squawked in his ear.

"Right... I have to go check on Lucinda. Talk to me if you have any other problems."

I tore through into Lucinda's study, to find her pressed against a wall by a demonic black figure.

It growled deeply in her ear, she was trying desperately to get it off her, but her resolve was breaking.

"Hey!, get off her!" I felt my wolf growl, and ears sprout from the side of my head.

It gave a long deep laugh, it's scaly, wet skin. Unfurled from an open window, thousands of temporary eyes folded in and out of its skin, It's mouth, full of sharp jagged teeth.

It got less and less human the more I looked at it. Until it was just a blob of scales, eyes, and teeth.

"Go away demon!" I yelled, the wolf blood pumping in my veins.

It changed, into a black scaly version of myself. Two permanent eyes forming while the rest faded away.

It was an almost perfect copy now, it's black soulless eyes shining evilly.

I growled, my teeth elongated as I lunged toward the demon. My sudden movements startling it for just a moment.

It tried to mimic me, but I was too fast for it. I was able to clasp my hands around its, my own, neck. It struggled, trying to pry me off it.

It just made me grip harder, it's black skin getting lighter until it shuddered, I released it and it crumpled to the floor, dead.

A dark black mist twisted and shook out of the figure, funneling into a dark mangled shape. But before I could react to my own deformed shadow, A flash of light burst from the corner of the room. And it retreated out the window.

Lucinda was holding out a staff, it's top
flickering before seemingly becoming normal again.

"A-are you... Okay?" I asked breathlessly, clutching my chest. My wolfish features slowly retracting back to their normal positions.

"I'm fine, it just took me by surprise, but I didn't know you were a werewolf. When did-"

"That's not important right now Lucinda, what is important, is that you tell me what you know about the creature that just attacked you."

"I-I , it was a Water Demon, they live in deep crevices in the sea. But they never attack ships or people, they normally don't like violence."

"But...." I urged her to go on, sensing that she was not done.

"But, this one was oddly big, they don't get bigger than a small cat. And usually they are blue."

"And..." I was almost laughing now, I could tell I was already way over my head.

"And this one was deformed, you saw how many eyes it had!, they should only have two!
And its voice!, it shouldn't be able to speak... At all!, but this one spoke clear English!, Aaron something is very wrong!"

"I figured that out by myself, but if something unnatural is happening to the creatures, then we are getting close, Tell Travis to keep going in this direction. I will tell Aphmau."

"Aaron, is it wise to tell her, she's already under a lot of stress."

I thought for a moment, WAS it wise to tell her? No. But she and everyone else deserved to know what they were getting into.

And from this moment on, I will have to lead everyone. I have to, I wil- cannot let them get hurt for me.

Yet as I walked to announce them news, a nagging voice in the back of my head said:

Are you REALLY one to lead, when you are a follower of chance and luck.

No. But that doesn't mean I'm not prepared to try.

Aarmau: Uh... Oops. (Under RE-WRITE)Where stories live. Discover now