Chapter | 1

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Beau grew anxious while waiting for the village to awaken. At the crack of dawn, he decided that it was time to visit the bookstore once more. His love for books overpassed his desire to hunt or play cards with the other men of the town. The villagers often told him that he must marry himself off to a handsome young lass before gray hair was to set in his scalp.

Beau merely ignored the chants and warnings from the villagers, for his did not wish to live his life under someone else's rule. He preferred to live by destiny, to live by what fate brought him. He wanted to live his life forever in books. But, in his heart,  he did wish for a companion. A wife. But no one in the town was to his liking, although many girls fancied him, though only for his looks.

Beau watched from his window as the sun crept over the hilltop, pouring light into the village. Nearly rushing out the front door, he snatched his book from the shelf and his basket that sat next door, and ran outside.

He slowered his pace and began walking to the village. His mind lifted as he smelled the fresh morning dew. The creatures were awakening and the plants unraveled to absorb the warm rays of the sun. He followed the cobblestone path from his home that led up to the bridge. While walking upon it, Beau noticed how the water gained a crystal look and how delicate the fish actually were.

As soon as he stepped out of the bridgework, he heard the townspeople singing and dancing. Laughing to himself, Beau watched as a woman air dried her mats outside of her top window. He smelled the baker's fine honey bread as it was laid out for the morning. The children rushed out of there homes, much to their mother's disliking, and ran all the way to the schoolhouse. The fathers started out for work: some silversmiths, others barbers, doctors, teachers and farmers. The women had already began to gossip. The town was now fully alive.

Beau swiftly dodged between the many vendors who were out on the streets. Some sold ham, fish, pork, others cheese, pots or jewelry. Between the mobs of people, he finally reached the doorstep of his favorite place: the quiet little bookstore.

Knocking twice before his entered, Beau entered the shop. The bookstore only held at least 350 books , which Beau had read twice each.
Smiling, he looked around  the shop to find -

" Oh! Beau!"

Miss Melony, a woman of 85 and the owner of the bookstore.

Beau planted a kiss on her cheek. " Hello miss! I came to return the book I borrowed- Romeo and Juliet!"
Miss Melony laughed. " Oh, that one! My you only borrowed it yesterday!"

Beau laughed along with her. " I couldn't put it down! Got anything new?"
Miss Melony chuckled. " not since yesterday."

Beau gave her a reassuring smile. " That's alright." He said casting his eyes over the shelves of books. Running his fingers along their spine, he found it." I'll borrow this one!" He proclaimed, handing miss Melony his choice of book.

Miss Melony shook her head. "This one! By God, you must have read this a hundred times!"
Beau flashed her a shameless smile and shrugged his shoulders. " can't help it miss. This one's my favorite. Daring Knights! Captured princess! Menacing dragons! The suspense and magic! The romance!"

Miss Melony simpered. She placed the book back into Beau's palms then enclosed it with her fingers into his. " Then it's yours."

Beau was baffled. " N-n-no...I-I-I couldn't-"
Miss Melony waved him off." Oh you silly boy! Take it from me as a present. Now go! And enjoy!"

Beau couldn't contain his gratitude. He backed out of the shop. " Thank you!" He called, " Thank you very much!"

Hearing the shop door closed behind him, he immediately opened his novel and began to read as he made his way back home. He was so engrossed into the book that he didn't notice anything else that was happening around him.

Two kids were playing jump rope when Beau happened to come across them. Instead of tripping, no, he merely hopped a few steps aside the rope and passed by the children, unscathed. A woman was poring hot water from her window-still, right above Beau. As she dumped the bucket, Beau stepped to the side out of the boiling waters rain, his eyes not leaving his book for a mere millisecond.

He subconsciously walked towards the center of town, which was represented by a large fountain. He sat at the edge of the fountain and sighed. " Wow." He said dreamily, " chapter 3. The guys meets the girl and he has no idea he's going to fall inlove!"

Setting the book down in his lap, Beau took a few moments to rest up. Many of the women nearby laughed , giggled and blushed at him. He paid each and every one of them no mind.

Beau went back to his reading and started again on his way home when he bumped into the one person he did not want to see.

The fairest of them all, Gabriella.

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