Chapter |2

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" Hello , Beau." Gabrielle said sultry.

Beau held his breath. " Bonjour Gabriella." He responded coolly, as he tried to make his way past her. Gabriella smirked and she walked closer to Beau and coily took Beau's book from him.

Gabriella was one of the most powerful woman in the village. Not just because her father is the wealthiest merchant from miles, she has also proved to be a star huntress. She was the envy of every woman in town and the desire of all the men. She had long lashes, peach skins, soft lips, beautiful thick black hair and was always seen wearing a red dress to the knee and carried around a musket. Thought she carry thy weapons like a man, there was a ladylike in her too.. She was a great flirt of them all.

Though she had suitors come roundly to ask for her hand, she only wanted Beau

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Though she had suitors come roundly to ask for her hand, she only wanted Beau. Beautiful Beau.

Beau tried to keep his cool as he did not wish to yell at Gabriella and make a scene in front of everyone in town.
" Gabrielle, " Beau asked relaxed, " may I please have my book back?"

Gabriella seemed to ignore Beau for a few moments and she opened the book and began flipping through the pages. Her eyes zipped through the lines. " Ugh!" She groaned. " how can your read this? It doesn't even have any pictures!"

Beau smiled at her. " Some people...just like to use their imagination in place of pictures." When Gabrielle didn't speak, Beau added under his breath," a trait you unfortunately lack."

Gabriella stopped flipping through his book and giggled. " On Beau." She sighed." You should get you head out of the clouds, and focus on what's really important. " Gabrielle smirked as she purposely let the book fall from her hands and onto the dusty road. Before Beau could run in and retrieve it, Gabriella wrapped her arms around Beau's and rested her head upon his shoulder. " like Me." She finished.

Beau gulped and he felt his cheeks grow warm.


Beau uncomfortable slithered out of Gabriella's touch, since he did not wished to be so closely approached by anyone. He walked over to his now dirtied book and collected it. With the end of his sleeve, he brushed off any sediment off his precious novel. Satisfied, he turned around and saw Gabriella standing in front of him.

She stuck out her bottom lip. " You know Beau, the villagers always say how you should find a bride, otherwise you'd never have a didn't living. You should join in on the hunts, with the other men."

Beau replied in a firm voice. " Gabrielle, you know this. I do not wish to hunt. I enjoy my time with my books.  I don't wish to kill things for mere game." He shook his head and prepared to walk off again, only to be stopped by Gabriella's hand on his own.

She looked at the ground flirtatiously, flute in her eyelashes , and traced her finger around the back of Beau's hand.
" Why don't you...come on over to my house  and I can showcase all of my dresses for you, I'd like you to see you judge me and tell me which one I'll look best in." She batted her lashes madly. " It would be ,ost useful, since I have a dinner event to attend to this evening. Please??"

Beau grimaced. That plan sounded awful in all ways. He politely removed her hand off of his own.
He bowed. " I am sorry Gabriella, but I must go home and attend to my mother."

Beau heard a snicker and watched as a little Dwarf woman crept next to Gabrielle from behind  her. Beau glared at her. He knew who she was. Her name was Leah, or formally knows as, " Gabrielle's pet." Only standing 4 foot tall, she was rude, snobbish, obedient and clumsy. She followed Gabriella wherever she went and was called upon Gabriella's every wish. She practically worshiped her.

Lea snickered again. " Oh that silly Alice. That crazy witch needs all the help she can get!"

Beau lips drew into a nasty scowl. " Don't you dare speak of my mother that way!" He snapped at her.

Gabriella looked down on Lea. " Yes!" She included, " don't talk about his mother that way!" She smacked Lea on the arm, hard enough to sting, and smiled apologetically at Beau. " Terribly sorry about that." She said sheepishly.

Beau huffed. " My mother is not a witch, nor crazy. She's a smart, beautiful , intelligent-"

No sooner that those words soon left his lips, there was a terrible boom coming from Beau's house followed by a cry.

" Mother!" Beau panicked. Running past the Gabriella, who was now laughing in hysterics along with Lea , he hurried all the way home and prayed that his mother was safe.

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