Chapter| 3

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Beau ran over to his house as fast as he could. He saw large piles of smoke emerging from the kitchen windows. He drew for breath and continued to run, calling out for his mother. Finally, upon reaching his house, Beau didn't stop for a minute and pushed the door opened.

Another cloud of smoke blew in his face, making his eyes burn. He protected them with the back of his hand and he put his free one over his mouth. His eyes searched the room rapidly. The oven door was blown off its hinges, now laying on the other side of the house. Plates and bowls were scattered across the floor, most were shattered or cracked. Flour covered everything in a dusty powder. The smelled of burned roast beef and pot pie was sucked in by Beau's nose. He coughed once again. " M-Mother?" He called out from behind his hand.

" B-B-Beau...?" Alice called our meekly. She revealed herself from under the table and stood up to brush off any reside of flour, meat, or pie left on her.

Beau rushed over to his mother's side, wrapping his arms around her. " Mother...thank goodness. You'd alright!"
Alice laughed and hugged back. " Of course Beau. Why wouldn't I be?"

Beau released his mother from his embrace and took a finally sweep across the damage. " Mother, what on earth were doing that caused all this?!"
Alice face turned bright red and she looked down to her dirtied shoes. " W-w-well u-um..,you see, I w-w-was c-cooking s-supper for" She blushed and looked up at Beau, forcing a smile on her face. She played with her fingers.

Beau shook his head. " Mother why? Every time you cook, our house looks like someone set off a bomb in here." He chuckled. " remember-I cook. Now come, help clean up."

Beau and Alice kneeled down to pick up the shattered pieces of glass that had fallen all over the floor. Beau coughed as a bit of smoke filled up his lungs when he breathed in.
His mother groaned. " Oh! Look what I have done. All our silver is ruined! I should go out of town to buy us more." Beau stopped collecting bits of glass and turned to look at her. " Out of town for a couple of dishes? Mother, surely-"

" Beau the nearest stationery is already miles away and he's no good. He won't get back into town for a few more weeks. I surely cannot drink soup out of a bowl carved from a tree trunk!"
Beau nodded his head. " I understand but...When will you go?"
His mother blew some hair off her face. " tomorrow."
Beau nodded. " I'll start packing right away."
" No, Beau , you will remain here and watch over this house."
" But-mother-"
Alice out a hand in front of Beau's face to silence him. " This discussion is over."

Beauty and the beast

Alice helped herself onto the horse cart and grabbed the reins. Phoebe, their horse, snorted and moved her head up and down. Beau came out from the house with a blanket on one arm and a basket of food in another. He smiled at his mother, so old. This was probably going to be her last trip from a long while. He handed her essentials and backed away from the cart.

Alice took a deep breath and clutched the reins tighter. She looked down to boy, giving him an affectionate smile.
"goodbye by beautiful Beau." She said warmly, blowing him a kiss. Beau pretended to catch it and placed it on his heart.
" May God give you speed and safely mother." He said.

" Amen." Alice flicked the reins a few times until Phoebe started to move down the road.
Beau waved until he saw his mother disappear into the horizon. He folded his arms over one another and breathed.
" May god protect you mother." He said quietly looking up into the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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