Chapter 1

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The people of Erebor still weren't overly keen on Selene, although, when she insulted Thranduil at her wedding, it certainly improved their opinion.

Thranduil had decided to return her swords and staff as part of their wedding gift and Selene had been less than impressed, Thorin just sitting back with an amused smile as she said more than a few inappropriate things to the elven king.

Thranduil hadn't been impressed, but he took her words with only a grace he could.

After everyone had settled down from the wedding and celebrations, one of the first things Thorin ordered to be done was for the blacksmiths to come up with armour for Selene.  They had argued over it, a lot, but Thorin was having none of her excuses, he wanted her protected both in and out of wolf form.

Which meant that Selene had to test them.

She wasn't impressed by the first few attempts, one in particular left her untrustworthy of them for a long time, the armour having almost exploding and leaving her with a very deep cut across her chest.

It took Thorin a long time to convince her, after yelling at the blacksmiths and them assuring him it wouldn't happen again, to go back to testing them.

Luckily, the next armour was improved, some of it staying on as she turned and Selene knew she could never fault the craftsmanship of the dwarves.

There was still a lot of work to go though.

There was still one thing, however, that made many of the dwarves still treat Selene with a certain level of distrust.  After a year together, they were yet to produce an heir.

It bothered Thorin, although he was yet to say it out loud, but the truth was, Selene wasn't sure she could, after everything she had been through and not being entirely sure of her age, she didn't know if she was capable.

A part of her was unsure whether she wanted to.

They only discussed it once though.

Selene was reading on the bed, having picked it up well over the last year when Thorin walked in looking tired.  He was quick to shrug off his coat and then join her on the bed, his arms wrapping around her waist as he lay flat on the bed, his head resting on her thighs.

She lifts the book to look at him with an amused smile.  "Hard day."

He grunts.  "You have no idea."

"I do, and I would have stayed had you not insisted you could deal with it."

"You were bored."

Selene puts her book down so she can gently start to brush her fingers through his hair.  "Maybe so, but you know full well I would have stayed.  They were being particularly painful today, I'm sure a good growl would have sorted them out."

Thorin smiled against her but remains silent, his eyes shutting as she continues to brush his hair.

She watched him for a long moment.



"Do...does the talk about children bother you?"

Thorin sighs and rolls over, laying on his back, watching her as she carefully avoids his eyes, still brushing his hair back.  "Does it bother you?"

"I...I don't know.  I don't want it too," She was thinking carefully.  "But I am more concerned about you and you know that.  I know you want children Thorin."

He captures her hand in his and kisses it.  "Selene, I am happy with it just being us, if that is the way it stays, then so be.  Fili will make a fine king one day, we both can agree on that.  I also know you are unsure."

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