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I wake up from the sun shinning in my window through the window. I open my eyes and roll over on my side. With a sigh, I sit up and stretch my arms out. I look down at the end of my bed and the little kitten was still there. I smile and slowly get out of my bed. I accidently wake up the little kitty so it meows. "Aww did I wake you? I'm sowwy"I say and sit beside the little kitten. It climbs on my lap and I pet it a couple times. "I have to get ready for work now~"I saw with a little pout and it meows again. "I'll be home before you know it"I say and put the kitten down back on the bed. I then stand up and go to my dresser.

I change into my work clothes and fix my hair. I open my bedroom door and walk down to the front door. I put on my shoes and grab my bag. The little kitten has followed me down to the door. "I'll see you later"I say with a smile and head outside. The sun is blinding at first but my sight adjusts quickly. I walk across the street and head down the alley way again. It takes less time so I may be able to get off work a bit earlier today.


I get off work an hour early and don't hesitate to run to the store. I pick up a small bag of cat treats a and smile. Hopefully the kitty like them. I sigh as I walk out of the store. I can't get too attached to the little guy. Just one more night then I will find its owner, I swear. I cross the street and I don't see the mystery man. Hes probably still working, it was early. I walk back to my house, rather slowly. I unlock my door and I see the little kitten sitting right where I left it. "Aww~~ You waited for me"I say and walk in. I walk in and close it behind me. The kitten meows and I says "I have treats for you". I take off my shoes and jog to the kitchen.

The kitten follows me and I pick it up. I kiss its head and put it on the counter yet again. I take out the bag of treats and the kitten seems to light up. I take a few out and put them on the counter. The kitten goes straight for them and I giggle. "I need to give you a name"I say with a pout. I know its a bad idea to get too attached but I can't help it. The kitten finishes the treats and I give it just a few more. "Hmmm now what should it be?"I say and hope up on the counter. It meows again and I pet it. "How about Winwin?"I say with a chuckle. The kitten climbs up on my lap and I look down at it.

"Sound good?"I ask, knowing I wont get a response. I move the kitten and open the fridge. Looking in, I don't know what to eat for dinner. I just grab some cheese and then walk over to the cutlery drawer and grab a knife from it. I cut off small pieces from the cheese block and I look over at the kitten. I smile and say "Were eating so well, huh". I sit back up on the counter and the kitten sits on my lap again. I cut myself another piece of cheese and eat it. "Its going to be sad when I give you back"I say in a serious tone. The kitten looks up at me and I sigh. "We should get comfy and forget that right now!"I say trying to lighten the mood. I put the cheese and the knife on the counter and put the kitten in my arms.

I walk up to my bedroom and open my door. I flick on my light and smile slightly. I place Winwin on my bed again and change my clothes into my pajamas. Once ready, I pick up Winwin again and rush down stairs to the living room. I put the Winwin on the couch and say "I'll be right back". I rush into the kitchen and grab my cheese. With a smile, I walk back to the livingroom. But Winwin is gone. I'm slightly confused but sit down on the couch. Just then I hear footsteps. Not little soft footsteps but loud footsteps. I look around but they continue. "hello?"I ask out.

I look towards the kitchen and see him. The mystery man. But hes different. Hes not wearing anything though, not even his mask. My eyes go wide and I ask "w-who are you?". Nothing. "What do you want?"I ask in a slightly louder tone. He takes a step towards me and I yell "Don't hurt me. Please. My money is in the third room from the bathroom. Please don't hurt me". I shield my face and curl up into a ball. "I wont hurt you"he says in a soft tone.

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