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I look back up at him and hes stopped in his tracks. "W-who are you then?"I ask in a stutter. With a proud smile he says "I'm Winwin". Confusion takes over and I just look at him oddly. "Can I explain?"He asks in a polite voice while tilting his head slightly to the right. I nod and he smiles. "Its going to be hard to believe but...well uh Ive been here, in your house for the past few days. I am that kitten you picked up"He says and I blink my eyes a few times fast. What? Was this true? But....how?

"What?"I finally manage to say after a few minutes of silence. "Yeah~ Id see you crossing the street all the time so Id follow you. I know that really creepy and I'm very sorry"Winwin says and lowers his head slightly. "Why me?"I ask almost immediately. "Youre very pretty and nice and I wanted to get to know you more but I didn't know how so I just followed you after work"Winwin explains.

"But wit, how are you a cat then?"I ask. "My mother was a part of this special society. People with magic powers that can transform into animals. I know it sounds absolutely crazy but its real. Were all over the place, people just like me. But I just haven't met any of them. My mom left me when I was 3 and Ive just been on the street for all of my life. I never got a name either"He explains as his voice grows more sad with each word.

"Didn't you make any friends?"I ask. "I did but once I told them my secret, they left me. Just like everyone else"He then says with a sigh. I can't help but feel bad for him. I stand up and step closer to him. He lifts his head and I notice little whiskers on his cheeks. That explains why he always wears a mask. I take a deep breath in the release it. What should I do? I am conflicted.

We stand there in silence for a few minutes, the I whisper "I wont leave you". I think itll be good to have him around for a little while. I could teach him how to act normal, I can also help him get a job. He looks very confused but I then hug him tightly. He hesitates for a few moments then hugs back. "You don't have to..."He begins but I cut him off and say "I want to". I hear him sniffle and I suspect hes holding back tears.

It breaks my heart to hear him. He just needs someone to love him. I am willing to do that, no matter how hard it might be. I feel tears on my shoulders and I hug him tighter. "Thank you"He whispers. I gently stroke his hair and don't say anything. He stops crying so I stop hugging him. He wipes his tears from his cheek and I smile softly.

"Now lets get you some clothes"I say with a chuckle. He cracks a smile and I pinch his cheek softly. "I think most store will be closed right now but you can borrow a pair of my jogging pants. There the only thing I have that is really close to being non feminine"I say. He nods and says "I know where they are~ Can I go get them?". How...? Or right, hes been in my room before. Wait...did he look at me while I got changed? 

I nod and he almost jumps with happiness. He jogs up the stairs like a little kid and I cant help but smile. He is truly cute, but I don't know how long I should keep him for. I mean somewhere he has people who care for him. I'm just some random girl from the city newspaper, that never gets read. Is this actually a good idea?

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