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It all happened when i was 11 when i fell pregant to my mothers boyfriend.

Here i am now a 16 year old with a child at the age of 5.


I heard scraping from downstairs and knew straight away it was my mother that had just came home from work which was the strip club.
"Sakura, come down for a sec" i heard her yell ungracefully.
I ran down the steps as fast as my feet could take me bot wanting to yelled at again.
Mom was swaying towards the brown cushioned couch which was now being occupied by my mother who smelt of alcohol and smoke.
"Sakura this man is your new daddy ok, be nice" she said randomly looking at the black figure that was standing infront of me now.
I looked up and saw a muscular probably in his late twenties with sandy blond hair, he had caramel light eyes and had to be around 6 feet tall.
"You must be sakura, my names Wren it's nice meeting you" the man Wren said putting his hand out expecting me to shake it with mine.
I looked at his big ragged hand in distaste and didn't accept it with a shake of disapproval.
"Oh come on young one, i don't bite" he said giving me an amused grin.
"Sakura" mom said in warning giving me a ungrateful look.
I took the mans hand in fear.
"Go to bed" mother said shooing me away.
I left up to my room and locked myself in and heard moaning come drom down stairs, shivering from the sound i covered myself under the covers and let sleep take over.

It's been half a year since wrne started staying here, he was such a nice man, he would always buy me things and play with me unlike my own mom. I adored Wren and i even called him dad now until one day.

"Dad" i yelled running in the house finding him in the lounge watching tv.
"Whats wrong" he said looking at my fragile body seeing blood oozing down from my knee.
"I-i tripped and s-scraped my knee, it hurts badly" i said looking down and my fresh deep cut on my knee.
He took me to the bathroom and sat me on the counter while he digged out the aid kit.
After cleaning it up, his hand which was on my knee moved up slowly to my upper thigh.
I let a shriek escape my lips.
"Calm down my, child" he said huskily.
"W-what are you doing?" i asked scared.
"Want to play a game" he peered into my eyes which looked droopy.
"What game"
"This game"
He then pressed his hard thin lips to my own. I tried my hardest to move but was unsuccessful to his tight grip on my head. He licked my lips trying to part them for access but i didn't allow him any.
"We'll continue this tonight love" he whispered in my ear his breath trickling down my neck making me shiver, "and you can't tell mommy this little game of our ok, it's a secret only for us and if your mom found out we'll both be in trouble ok" he said leaving me stunned and scared.

Later that night, he wasn't lying, he came into my room and did things that a child like myself didn't understand.
Things went on like this for a long time and it turned to only touching to intense intercourse with no protection.
I tried telling mom but she refused to listen and only physically hurt me.
I just wanted everything to stop, it hurt to much.

"I'm sorry but it came in positive, she is definitely pregnant" the doctor said while talking to my 'father'.
"What" was all he said.
"The best thing to do for her at a young age for her is abortion sir" the doc said looking sadly depressed.
Wren looked at her with an expression i couldn't read then, "fine do it, the abortion" he said looking away.
W-what, no he can't do that.
I was to dumbfounded to do anything.
Once we were in the car dad smashed his fist into the wheel making the car shake.
"You definitely can not tell your mother about this ok, or i'll definitely be in trouble" he said angrily looking at me.
I didn't answer instead i looked out the window and cried silently.
He took my silence as a yes and started the engine.

"So where did use go" mother said taking the cigarette out of her crackled lips.
"Just for a troll" Wren said trying to be random as possible.
"Yeah whatever" she grumbled.
I however walked past them up to lock myself in my room.
After a while the door started to knock silently and knew it was Wren wanting to make love to me again.
I didn't want to do this tonight so i stayed and covered myself more into the cushions, he wasn't able to enter because the door was locked from the inside.
"Hey sakura, open up babe" he said huskily through the door.
I ignored him which seemed to piss him off a bit because he started to shake the door more.
"Open up, now" he said aggressively.
I was getting to fed up with this i had tondo something now to stop this.
"LEAVE ME ALONE" i yelled at the top of my lungs which led the door to stop to a sudden halt, "JUST GET LOST YOU PEDO" i kept yelling not caring if mom heard, cause really i wanted her to hear me.
"WHAT THE FUCKS GOING ON HERE" I heard mum yell from downstairs.
At that moment i got courage to open the door and stormed pass the man that was banging on my door previously who was now trying to grab me as if he knew what i was going to do.
"Momma, he's going to hurt me again" i screamed running down the steps to a stunned mom.
"What the hell are you talking about, Sakura" she said seeming really pissed off.
"It's Wren, he's been hurting me mom, he even got me pregant" tears streamed down my flushed face.
She pushed me out the way with extreme force making me hit my head hard on the floor.
"What the hell is she talking about WREN" mom said trying not to scream her head off.
"Nothing you god damm hore" he rushed out.
They got into a massive fight.
"So you asshole got my child pregant,huh? What, wasn't i enough" she screamed.
"No you weren't you slut. Even your daughter was better then you" he yelled back.
"Get the fuck out and never come back cunt" she was now shoving him out the door with all her force.
"Whatever" he walked out with an angry face cursing all the way down to the car.
"And you, you fucking skank get to your god dammed room. And by the way your keeping that forsaken child of yours" she said giving me forc ed d kick to the back making me screech in pain.
I forced myself up and into my room crying myself to sleep.


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