Friends and old crush

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It was finally monday.
I was dressed in my school uniform which was a white blouse black skirt or (pants) and a black jacket.
I tied my hair in a sloppy bun atop my head.
"Mama" my little Erica yelled, "hurry up".
"Coming" i called back.
I grabbed our things in a rush and headed out the door to where i saw Erica in a white dress with sandals jumping into my small banged up car that im still surprised that it hasnt broken down yet.

I dropped Erica off at daycare not far from konoha high (my school).
"Love you" i waved bye.
"Bye bye" Erica waved back running off to her friends.

The parking lot to school was packed, hard for me to sight one...
There was only one spot that i found which was down way in the back next to a black SUV. I fitted my dark rusted red car squeezing in beside the SUV.
"What trouble to just get a park" i muttered to myself.
Halfway walking in the school inwas flopped down by a certain blond (girl) with light blue eyes.
"SAKURA, ITS BEEN TO LONG" Ino cried out squeezing me to death.
"C-cant breath" I wheezed out with what little air.
She let me go with an apologizing smile.
"We just saw eachother last week" i remarked.
Ino was/is one of my best friends, i knew her since we were kids and well yeah besties since... but when i was pregnant i didnt come to school for nearly 2 whole years but of course did the school work at home so i was still up with everyone.
No one knows about me being pregnant or even how i got pregnant except my mother of course.
"Yeah, yeah".
She grabbed my arm dragging me towards the cafeteria that was all the way dow  the hall around the corner.
"Come on the others are waiting" she chirped.
Once inside the cafeteria there was kids swarming everywhere....and thats where i spotted mine and Ino's group of friends, the biggest group outta all.
"HEY GUYS" Ino of course yelled out.
Everyone at our table and even some other by standers looked our way.
We made our way over and me being embarrased with all eyes on me kept my head down, my short bangs covering well trying to cover my face.
I took my seat at the very end of the table next to Hinata who had; pearly white eyes, dark purplish bue hair that flowed down her back, and of course cannot forget the constant stuttering in front of the one and only doofus of us all NARUTO, which everyone knows she has a crush on.
"H-hey Sakura" she greeted stuttery still.
"Hey Hinata, wheres Naruto?" U asked.
"Uhhh!!! I d-dont kn-know" she stuttered at mention of his name.
I giggled at her actions.
Around the rets of the table there was;
tenten-who was a year older then us.
Kiba- dog boy we call him.
Shino- a buggist...if thats even a word but tells you how much he loves bugs.
Shikamaru- a smart and intelligent guy but is so god dammed lazy.
Choji- he just eats toooo much lol.
Sai- who tends to smile alot.
Naruto- an IDIOT.
But i wonder where Naruto is cause he sure aint here at the moment, well he's really never on time for class.
"GUYS GUESS WHO'S HERE" a loud ass voice called breaking me from my thoughts.
"Naruto of course" Kiba grumbled.
"N-N-Naruto kun" Hinata fully flushed.
I turned to see him jogging towards us dragging a broody looking dude who looked kinda similar....OMG IT CANT BE IS THAT REALLY HIME...
"Sasuke kun" i whispered only so i could hear.
"SASUKE-KUN" Ino squeeled out jumping up grabbing onto his arms swooning over him....and i kinds felt jelouse.
Sasuke was, well an old friend of Narutos; he was handsome even his duck but hair though it sure has straightened itself out more.
Me, Naruto and Sasuke used to all be friends back in the day, though Sasuke seemed to not pay any attention to me only to Naruto because they were like brothers.
His gave averted to mine locking with mine, onyx met emerald.
His eyes widened a bit...
"Sakura" his lips moved but no sound came out.

He still remembers me... i couldnt believe it, my once crush boticed me for the first time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2016 ⏰

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