Chapter 13: The video

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Lui's POV
I thought it was time to show my viewers y/n. I don't know how the fan girls will react but if they say the will hurt y/n I will protect her at all cost. I love her. I thought about Jonathan and waited.

Evan's POV
I'm here in the hospital with Jonathan and Marcel. Jonathan may be dead. And it could have been all of our faults. Y/n has been quiet when Jonathan went to the hospital. The heart monitor was slowing down. Jonathan was dying all of these things were going through my head. Jonathan was my best friend. Y/n didn't want to lose him. I didn't want to tell her he was dying. The heart monitor flatlined. Marcel and I ran to get the doctors. They came rushing in as we left. Praying that he'll he okay. The doctor came out.

"Good news and bad news. Which one first?" He said.

"Bad news." I said.

"Jonathan was hospitalized for being shot. However he was shot in the chest. He has to stay here for 4 days. He isn't clearly stable yet." He said.

"Good news is that he is indeed alive. Would you like to see him?" He said. We walked inside and was greeted with a large smile. A Jonathan smile. I called the others telling they should come the hospital.

"Evan get me out of here. I hate the food. And I want to go home." Jonathan said.

"Are you stable?" I said.

"I am. Watch I can walk." He said getting up. He slowly walked without falling. He laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Marcel asked.

"I finally can walk freely. No more insane Delirious just me." He said smiling.

"Fine I'll go get the doctor." I said walking out. I saw the others and I pointed to Jonathan's room. I saw everyone but y/n. Where was she?

"Excuse me my friend Jonathan is stable and he could leave." I said.

"Alright we'll check on him and see if he can leave." She said kindly. Y/n finally came in and she looked depressed. I tried to walk up to her but was stopped by a crazy fan girl.

"Hey Evan-poo~ I missed your videos!~ where are they?~" she said. I had to be honest. She was ugly. The fan girl tried to kiss me but I kept moving. Y/n was still looking at the ground. Slowly walking towards us. She finally looked up and grabbed the crazy fan girl by the hair. Pushing her to the ground she punched the living shit out of her.

"Leave him alone and never come back. He needs his space. I'll give you five seconds to run." Y/n said. Damn I never knew y/n was fucking badass. The fan girl hid behind me. I slowly slid to the left.

"I said fucking run. Not hide behind Evan." She said. Y/n came up to her holding her by the neck.

"Look. I'm not in a really good mood. It's either you live to see a new day or this will be your final breath." She said. She let go of the fan girl's neck and she ran away. Y/n looked at me.

"Fuck y/n. I never knew you were fucking badass." I said. She rolled her eyes. She smiled. A smile we all wanted to see.

"Look you guys protected me. So I protect you. But I do it ten times worse." She laughed.

"Wow! My girlfriend is amazing." Lui said. The others around him shocked. Lui put an arm around y/n.

"She's mine! Not yours! Mine!" Lui said in his squeaker voice.

"Lui can I tell you something?" Y/n said. She whispered something in his ear.

"Food?" Lui said.

"Yes!" Jonathan yelled. We all laughed. We missed Jonathan. We all did. We went out to eat.

Time skip
Lui's POV
When we got home I asked y/n if she would want to do a video with me. Like I planned to at the beginning of the day.

"Yeah sure I'll be in your video" she said.

"Alright let's go!" I said. We got the recording software up and ready.

"What's up mother truckers! So this is a new type of video because, as it said in the title, I have a special guest!" I said.

"Come in y/n!" I said.

"Hey guys." She greeted.

"She's my girlfriend and will now be joining me in most of my videos. And if you try to hurt her, I will hurt you! You crazy fan girls. Or she'll hurt you I mean she's pretty badass." I said. She rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Well this concludes my video. I hope you like and don't hit that subscribe button. Actually do." I said. She laughed and I turned off my camera. I kissed her cheek and smiled. I loved her. And she was mine.

Sorry for not updating I've been sick the last few days.

Forget The Past and Think about the Present: A Lui Calibre x Reader fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now