Caught up in my feelings.

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Me and Ethan walked to class together everyday, it was pretty awkward because we didn't really talk much but he would just play with my hair and tease me. We became really close.

Ethan's POV
Me and Alyssa became super close, I've been trying to give her signs that I'm madly in love with her but she doesn't seem to notice.

I was walking back from class and I bumped into this really pretty girl with cherry blonde hair that was long and wavy, I never really caught her name, but we always would say hi to each other in the halls and we have a lot of classes together so I decided to become her friend. We started talking and now we're pretty much best friends, her name is Liz ,We both have to deal with the same stuff and we both have the same achievements. Getting on the lacrosse team. If you didn't know, I've been playing lacrosse for 5 years. And now , I really hope I can play for beacon hills.

Ethan's POV
Alyssa started drifting away from me, she made some new friends. And I pretty much have been getting closer to my ex, Morgan, We dated for 3 years then we broke up because I caught her cheating on me with my twin brother, which just moved to california to become an actress. But I decided to stay in jersey. Morgan and I have a lot in common. So we've been talking and sitting next to each other pretty much everyday now.


Alyssa's POV
I was waiting for Ethan so we can walk to art together but he wasn't at his locker. So I just walked to class alone. I heard some giggle and groaning behind me and I found Ethan with some girl. They seemed to be pretty close since he was wrapping his arm around her the whole time. I tried not to get super mad and flustered because, honestly I don't like seeing him with other girls. I mean I don't like him.. I just I don't know. I shouldn't be focusing on boys right now. Nothing but lacrosse.

Ethan's POV
Alyssa was walking alone and she seemed really upset, " hey morgs um can I walk with you tomorrow? I just have to figure something out" Morgan seemed pretty chill about it. I snuck around Alyssa and jumped up and asked...

Alyssa's POV
Ethan popped up out of nowhere and asked what was wrong. I mean what was I supposed to say? I don't like you hanging out with other girls because I'm in love with you?! oh my god...did I just? Ethan tapped my shoulder exclaiming " you there? "  huh? Oh sorry um i uh I cleared my throat, yeah I'm fine I just I love I mean um I'm just tired..

Ethan's POV
What's wrong with Alyssa? What is she not telling me?

" Alyssa I know something's wrong, your not normally like this"

I'm fine Ethan I really am. I'm just tired..

" okay "

Alyssa's POV
We both walked to class in silence, there was a new kid named Kyle, he was pretty cute, and he was really funny, This class was pretty fun. Me and Kyle got to know each other and we laughed a lot.

Ethan's POV
I clenched my fists as I saw Alyssa talking with some new dude that probably is a fuckboy. My heart was beating and the veins in my neck were popping out. Why was I feeling this way...I mean It shouldn't matter who she talks to it's not like I like her...


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