Kings and Queens

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Chapter 3

Hazel smiled closing the book slowly as she spoke, "The, end."

Holly gasped and clapped, as if to be purposely dramatic. Though, Hazel knew that she was actually like that.

Right at that moment, as if on queue, Melanie walked in. Shivering, of course, but at least she came back whole.

"What's up?" Hazel asked, "-and, where's Jericho?"

Melanie jerked her thumb behind her, pointing towards the door she just came in, right as Jericho walked through.

Holly ran up to greet both of them as they each, one by one, opened their arms to embrace Holly in a warmth of undying love.

"What's going on back in town?" Hazel asked concerned at her caretakers grave expression.

"According to the 'new' laws, I must tell everyone in my presence whom doesn't know about the rules already-" Melanie sighed placing her coat off to the side; hanging over the edge of the couch, "-and, so we now have a 'Queen', who is to take charge at the gathering in town square tomorrow afternoon."

Hazel sat back down in the rocking chair, feeling a tad beat up, "That sucks..."

"No kidding," breathed Jericho with his eyebrows raised revealing how he really felt; exausted.

"Are we going too, Melanie?" Holly asked in her dear voice, a hint of hope in her blue eyes.

"No," Melanie said, "I will not risk having you picked as another servant."

Hazel and Holly haven't been out of the house since those first three days of the split. Though, Melanie had always said, "It's dangerous," or, "I can't risk it." Some stupid, pathetic excuse to keep them inside and away from the society created by the queen. It was unnecessary, Hazel was perfectly capable of taking care of herself.

Hazel shook her head slowly and laid her back against the rocking chair, and as it moved slowly, she gazed up at the ceiling, wondering if things were ever going to become normal again.

Holly yawned and stretched her tiny arms of which could be the size of a full grown migit, and rubbed her tired eyes.

"Alright," Jericho spoke, breaking into Hazels thoughts, and also breaking the awkward silence of the room. He stood up, walked over to Holly, and picked her up. "time for bed."

Hazel watched as Holly wrapped her arms around Jericho's neck and laid her head on his shoulder with softly closed eyes.

Melanie got up and followed them, "You need to get some rest too," she spoke to Hazel gazing slightly over her shoulder, "It'll be another long day."

"Yeah," Hazel breathed, fully well knowing that Melanie didn't hear her, "another long day for you, maybe. But, not me."

Hazel watched as Melanie slowly slipped out of view, and waited to hear the door closing, before she stood up and opened the door to outside. Softly closing it so it didn't attract any unwanted attention.

She smirked, ran down the road and slid down the cliff to the waters edge.

The water softly rushed up to shore and back down a second after it came. It was amazing how big natures affect could have on one person.

She bent down to light the candles that were precisely lined up one by one, all the way down the beaches shore. It looked even better with the candles lightening the whole beach up.

Now, Hazel thought, It's truly beautiful...

This chapter was a bit small, sorry.

~Falixd (Dinosaurs_Rawr)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2013 ⏰

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