Chapter 3

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I stop thinking to my mom's knocking, "Did you die, Ben?"

"No mom, don't get to excited I'm still alive." She laughs, "Hey ma, what time is it?" I ask.

"1:30, come on out." She demands.

I wrap a towel around my waist and walk out to find her guarding the door with a razor in her hand. "You gotta be kidding me."

"Just a trim." She smiles evilly.

"A razor is not for a trim, I don't even think they're for haircuts. Would you leave my fucking hair alone, ma!" I walk past her pecking her cheek, "Not happening."

I go to my room set my camera on the tripod, allowing the afternoon sunlight highlighting my right side of my face to be split with different lightings. I quickly snap the picture and pack it in my bag and head out to pick up Ally.

"Will you be home for dinner?" My mother shouts behind me.

"Probably not." I say tying my hair up. I head over to Ally's, when I get there I honk outside her house, and when she doesn't come out I go to the door, but before I knock I hear yelling. It's her and her step-father arguing. I was hoping to God it wasn't about last night, because her dad can't stand my gut. Then the door swings open, Ally pushes me away and speeds to my car; she gets in and waits for without looking at me. I give a nod and smile to her dad, and he forces one out. I slowly walk in and look at her without saying anything. If I'm afraid of anything it'd be when Ally's pissed.

"Can you ask what happened so I can rant." 

"Oh, I'm sorry" I laugh, "what happened?"

"Basically my wonderful parents want me to move out within 2 months."

"Does it have to do anything with last night?" I ask.

"No. They just want me gone, or start paying for fucking rent."

"That's fucked up, why?"

"Responsibility" she quotes "they say I'm too old to be in their house."

"Cool, you'll just move in with me then." I shrug. "Easy solution."

She chuckles, "you're funny. I don't make enough to pay fucking rent, otherwise I would've." 

"Rent? You don't gotta pay shit."

"You're a joke, I'm not just gonna stay at your house dumb ass. I'm not moving out; they can't make me."

"Why not? We own the shit hole, and it's only me and my mom." I park at the cafe.

"Can't Ben."

"I'll talk to my mom tonight." We get off and I put my arm around her neck like I would to a guy buddy, I kiss her on top of her head and walk in. "Wadda wanna drink?" I ask her.

"Mint ice tea!" She says a little overly excited.

"Hey, what can I get for you?" The girl at the counter smiles.

"One mint ice tea, annnnnnnnd....I'll take a strawberry chai."

"Alrighttt, that will be 6.37."

We grab our drinks and go to the same table we always sit at. "When we getting Peet?" 

"Whenever....I gotta tell you something."

"What?" She says attentively. Which is one thing I don't understand about girls, when you talk to them they really pay attention. I rarley do nor does Peter. Which gets her mad, I mean so mad.

"I'm gonna get right to it, no ands and buts." I sip from the chai.

"Okay" she says uncertain.

"Peter confessed his "love" to me....and we made out." I say real fast.

She smiles.."I know."

"What?" I say shocked.

"I've known, he told me."

I choke on my drink, "what the fuck and you didn't tell me?" I lean toward her. 

I promised him like 20 million times I won't say a thing. I'm sorry." She laughs.

"It's not funny Al!" I whisper behind clenched teeth. "I'm a fucking confused mess."

"What do you mean?"

"I kissed him back."

"So? He's your best friend."

"But I'm not gay. Why'd I let him? Why'd I kiss him back?"

" I was actually afraid of you saying you're gay just over one kiss." She says, "You're not gay, especially after last night I know you are NOT." Now I think she's just trying to convince me.

"But it's you, you're different." I argue.

"Do you actually think about it, the kiss?"

"Sometimes, not always."

"Did you like it?" She asks seriously but still has a smirk on her face.

"I don't know!" I get annoyed. "I let him do it..."

"Did you have the same feelings as if it was you and I?

"No, it's completely different. Can you stop asking all these questions."

"Okay okay, one more. Does it feel weird to be around him?"

"Noo, not anymore." I puff.

"Don't worry Benny, you're not gay. I know you wouldn't let another man kiss you, you let Peet do it because he's your best friend. Get over it, you'll do anything for him."

"Ummm...sure whatever." I say.

"Let's go pick him up." We get up and go to the car, we drive in silence. When we get to his apartment building his was waiting outside smoking. He jumps up and gets in the back and gives us kisses. "You said 3, it's almost 4 now. Fucking asshole."

"'Sorry love, Ben and I went out for some chai."

He nods his head toward me thinking I can't see, Ally just nods back and smiles. "Thanks for last night Benny." He kisses my neck.

"Don't let it happen again." I saying sounding like a dad. "Hey..Ally is moving in with me."

"Really?" He looks at her..."why?"

"My parents me are making me move out, but I'm not." She glares at me.

"Why don't we all just move into a 2 bedroom apartment?"

"Can't afford it." Both Ally and I say.

(I'll finish the rest after class.) This chapter is long lool. THANKS FOR READING LOVE YOU GUYS! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2013 ⏰

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