Chapter 3. Perfect two

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Chapter 3. Tyler

                                 "Troye" I whined. "What" Troye laughed. "How do you do this?!" "Simple" Troye smiled and kicked off the ground and went far ahead of me. Troye had this wonderful idea about skate boarding. I hate skate boarding. Everything about it. How the shake board looks. How you have to wear helmets. How people always fall. How FUCKING HARD IT IS TO RIDE ONE OF THESE THINGS! "Come on Tyler" Troye yelled to me. I put my left foot on the skate board. How hard can this truly be? I mean, Troye can do it. Maybe I can. I kicked off with my right foot and brought it onto the board once it moved.

                     "Now, to turn, lean your body the way you want to turn" Troye yelled. He's so good at explaining directions. Not. I kicked my right foot on the ground making me go faster. "How do I stop" I yelled to Troye. "Use your back foot and make the back of your board touch the ground gently. Add more pressure till it stops" Troye yelled back. I nodded. I kicked off with my foot once more when I noticed there was a stop sign. I added pressure to the back of my board and it slowly stopped. I stood next to Troye. "That was good" Troye smiled. "I know. I'm awesome" I smirked and fixed my glasses.  

                   All the cars were gone so I started to skate again. Kicking my right foot off the ground, going at a fast pace. I don't think there's going to be another stop sign till the mall. I was right. We finally got to the mall. I stopped my skate board by the door and picked it up. Troye and I walked into the mall. "I want some Starbucks" I said. "You're such a white girl." I gave him a evil eye and he backed away. "While you find a Starbucks, i'm going to find Hot Topic." "Why do you even like that store? All they play is rock music, very loudly." "So?" I rolled my eyes and walked with Troye. "I'll meet you at Starbucks" Troye said before walking into the store. I kept walking. I don't want Starbucks now. I want a milkshake, or a smoothie. OR SOME FROZEN YOGURT!

                      I looked up and saw a huge poster of One Direction above me for their new album. I looked at Niall. He's so freaking hot in that picture. He's more hot in person though. It's crazy to think he's mine. Well, i'm not quiet sure if he's mine, but in my mind he is, I guess. There were a bunch of girls getting the One Direction album. They all seemed like carrots. I already got the CD on iTunes, but I should buy the CD for my car. I told Troye he could get me it for Christmas, but it's too late now. I'm going in there. I walked into the store, trying not to hit people with my skate board. If I could I would, but I would get yelled at by some nasty old mom for hitting their child.

                             I couldn't get to the CD rack because too many carrots were surronding it. I heard someone say my name, I know it wasn't Troye. It was some girl. I stood there, tapping my foot waiting for these carrots to move. "Hi, can I have a picture" one of the carrots walked up to me and smiled. She looked 7. What kind of parent lets their 7 year old child watch my videos?! To a 7 year old my videos could seem like porn! "Sure" I smiled and took a picture with her. "Are you dating Niall Horan?" "No. Were just friends." "Oh" she frowned. I saw some of the girls move away from the rack. I quickly walked over to the rack and took one of the Yearbook Editions. I noticed it was the last one. So many girls were looking at me like they wanted to rip my head off. "Arn't you a little too old for One Direction?" "Arn't you a little bit too young to be a carrot" I asked. She growled and walked away. I bought the CD and quickly ran out of the store.

                     There was Troye. "I know you would be in there." I smiled, "I got the CD!" "Did you hit little kids for it?" "No.. But so many kids wanted it." "Tyler! What if One Direction is the reason their alive." "I don't think I give a fuck." Troye rolled his eyes and we started to walk to the food court. "Can we get a smoothie or some frozen yogurt instead of Starbucks" I asked. "Yeah." I skipped to the smoothie place. I was happy I finally got my CD. I been wanting this for a while, and I finally got it. Wait till the DVD comes out.. I should bring a bat with me for that. Troye ordered his smoothie. "What do you want?" "A mango, banana with strawberry one." He nodded and ordered for me. Troye paid for the smoothies and he handed me mine.

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