The inside that you should be.

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Your enemy should be like
The course of a river,
Ever present but never,
Hinders your
Progression down stream,
But without it, you lose focus of your deatiny.

Your dreams should be like
The waters from a spring,
Always fresh,cool and
Never-ending even at the harshest of droughts and
Knowledge should be like
The river mouth,
Always receive, hold and preserve.

Give as much like the sky
Which gives out the best
The best of itself and
Never losing the touch
Of its beauty and grace
Forvin giving, we lose not anything.

Be strong in what you believe in,
Like a rock on a river's course
Doesn't break even at the worst of an eroding force
Hold steadfast, like the roots on a ground, never losing the urge to search even at the worst of droughts.

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