when I see you again

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There will be a day when we will meet
We will drink the beer onto the morn
We will remember the past and smile
Our present moment is filled with love
And the future with uncertain dreams
Dark and unfamiliar events
That the future is the only which speaks about them

When I see you again,
I will wish to hold you but I won't
Because then we will both be afraid
To touch the wounds of our past
The scars will hurt with memory
Especially mine that seem so much

You are like a tide and I the shore
You keep hitting against me and take
As you recede into yourself
The scene looks good to the viewer
A perfect illustration of love

But I know better
It's only the shore that loses its precious pebbles to the waters of the sea
It's only the shore that makes the sound
Of the sea louder and sweeter
It's only the shore which gets to see the
coming tide and is unable to move

When we meet again
You will know I was your shore
And you my ocean that always went and came back with ruthless force
Grazed my heart with a touch of great feeling
Of Possessiveness
None come near me but you

None sung the song of love to me
Better than you did with such a beautiful and haunting voice in the dark of the night
Like a wolf on a moonlit night
Upon my heart you lived and howled
You were the only presence I knew

When we meet again
You will know the person you loved
Was the one you destroyed and left to the mercy of certain pain and regret
You will see how your presence was a constant pain
You will see the space you left that's filled with happiness

When we meet again,
You will wish you'd love me again
I know I'd wish to hold and keep you
But my happy heart will not let me
For doubt has become my constant friend
For when I was certain of love
It was in possession of someone so selfish as you
And I had to give it away and live for it from you

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