The cat

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I gave her my heart and
She ripped it apart like
A cat upon a warm, delicious, red-dripping liver
She twiched her whiskers
As i watched her in agony and pain
She licked her fangs asvi held
The remains of my shredded heartin place so ut won't fall apart

But i knew i was dead, because
My mind's eye eas blinded
Too bloody blinded to even see
A sparkle of light shine
Because she must have sat
On it to never allow any light
Past her filthy, big suffocating, flappy
Buttocks that held my mind's eye captive

But I am alive now,
To get to get another heart
That i hold dear and
Passionately to the core
I can't even imagine i have
This second mesmerising chance of forever
And i can't lose it because then
I'll be dead, no,not dead!!
It'll be suicide plus murder
For this heart I do hold is a
Shared heart from my second half

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