Chapter 2.

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Katrine's POV. (The italic sentences are when Katrine is talking inside of her own head. Remember, she is still a leopard.)

I placed my paw in the vampire's palm, proving that I wasn't afraid of her. "I believe I like this animal." She grinned, looking at the male. He reached his hand out to touch me. Dog! I wasn't too thrilled about a dog touching me, but I sucked it up. "I think she senses you're half werewolf." The girl said. Just half? What else? The Ambominable Snowman?! The man crouched in front of me and looked into my eyes, a smirk on his lips. I will claw that smirk right off your wolfy little face. "Don't worry, kitten. I won't hurt you." He said. How reassuring. "So, we get to keep her?" The girl asked. "Where else would she go, Rebekah? Snow leopards aren't even in Mystic Falls." The man said, looking at Rebekah.

"What are we going to name her, Nik?" Rebekah asked. Rebekah and Nik. Got it. "How about Spots?" Nik suggested. Aw, hell no! "No, that's a dog's name." Rebekah shook her head. Thank God! "Ok, how about Snowy?" He asked. Nope, not even close. "Nope." Rebekah said simply. "Then what do you suggest, all knowing Rebekah?" Nik snapped. "I suggest..... Ivory." She decided. "Ivory means white, doesn't it? It makes sense." Nik nodded. Not bad.. Wait, what I am thinking?! I shouldn't be letting them name me at all!

I stretched out, but instantly regretted it. A jolt of pain erupted in my torso, or where my torso would be if I was human. I hissed, turning my head to look at the wound. Someone had stitched it up. "Careful! Don't pull out your stitches!" Nik hissed. I gave him an 'lose the 'tude, dude' look, but it probably looked odd, considering I was a leopard.

I yawned, flicking my tail lazily. I walked around, irritated by the stitches on my torso. "You think she's hungry?" Rebekah questioned. I rubbed against her leg and tried to stop purring. Food! "I'll take that as a yes." She chuckled, patting my head. "What do we feed a snow leopard?" Nik asked.

"I dunno. Call Caroline or something. She's the expert of the universe." Rebekah shrugged, walking off. I layed down at Nik's feet, looking up at him. "Something tells me you're not a vegetarian." Nik sighed. Really? How'd ya come up with that one? Was it the large, pointy teeth, or the long, flesh-tearing claws?!


Nik was in the living room, on the phone with some girl named Caroline, while I sniffed around upstairs. I was looking for Rebekah. I stopped at a room, smelling the heavy scent of perfume. I head-butted the door softly, opening it.

"Hey, Ivory." She smiled, patting my head. My name is Kat, and I'm, well... a cat. Kat is a cat. Awesome. I rubbed against her leg, then jumped on her bed, ignoring the stinging in my torso. I layed down, putting my head on my paws. Rebekah fiddled her phone, texting someone named Matt.


"Klaus! I'm here!" A voice yelled. Who's Klaus? I padded down the stairs, into the living room. A blonde haired girl with blue eyes stood in the living room. I growled, not sure if I should trust. Her head snapped my way, her eyes widening. "Calm down, kitten." Nik, or Klaus said, patting my back. "When you said you had a cat, I didn't expect a frickin' saber tooth tiger!" The blonde exclaimed. "Snow leopard." Nik corrected. "Does it bite?" She asked, warily stepping forward. SHE! "Not that I know of, and it's a she." Nik said.

No, I don't bite. At least, not right now. I mentally sighed, but went over and brushed against her leg. "Caroline, meet Ivory. Ivory, meet Caroline." Nik said. My name is Katrine, you bloody dog! "Why did you call me, exactly?" Caroline asked, looking up from me.

"I have no idea what to feed a snow leopard, Caroline." Nik sighed, looking at me. "They catch their food. Deer, rabbits, fish. Things like that." Caroline said. I'm not eating raw meat, no matter how hungry I am. "I don't think she likes that idea." Nik commented, still looking at me. "What about a ham or something? The ones you serve at Christmas." Caroline suggested. Mmm, ham!

"You're coming with me to the supermarket. I'm not going alone." Nik said, pointing at Caroline. "Will she be alright while we're gone?" Caroline asked. What can I do? Throw a party? I narrowed my eyes and thought about a snow leopard planning a party. I mentally snorted. "What are you planning, kitten?" Nik asked, kneeling next to me. World dominaton. What about you? *Instert Sacasm*

He petted my head and walked out the door with Caroline. I hopped on the couch, waiting for them to get back with my food.

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