Chapter 34: Family Trouble

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Saturday Dinner

Eden Pov

I can't believe tonight I'm going to be meeting Genesis's daughter. I don't know what to feel or say right now at all.

I applied my lipstick and stared at my self in the mirror.

I should be the one caring his child right now. Sad thoughts of loosing my first baby clouded my mind. Before I knew it, a small tear escaped from my eye ran down the side of my face.

"They just pulled up."

My thoughts were interrupted by Genesis standing behind me.

"Ok." I stood up, smoothed down my dress and made my way down stairs.

We both stood on the front steps of the house.

An all white Honda pulled up. Nia got out and Genesis went towards the car. I slowly followed, but kept my distance at the same time.

The back door open and I saw these little pink glitter shoes hit the payment.
The cutest little girl appeared from around the door.

She had this shy look on her face.

"Ava, this is your dad. He's the one that's been sending all the Christmas and the birthday presents. And that's his wife Eden." Nia told her.

Ava stuck her fingers in her mouth and nodded.

"Come give me a hug." Genesis squat down and opened his arms wide open. Ava slowly walked in his arms and they gave each other a hug.

"Your mom told me you love Peppa Pig." He started a conversation. Ava face lite up and she started talking to him about the cartoon. It was the cutest thing.

"Hey Eden."

I glanced up to see Nia.

"I want to apologize about that night at the club. I honest thought he told you about Ava already. I didn't mean to disrespect you."

Hearing Nia's apology really made me smile. Even though my problem was never with her, it was with Genesis.

"Thank you." I smiled at her.

"The least we can do is be cordial with each other for Ava." She added on.

"Yes, I can agree with that."

Ava said bye to her mom and we went inside. Janis was cooking Italian tonight and it smelt so good.

"Hey miss Eden, I'm thirsty."
Ava said to me.

"Ok what you like to drink lady bug?" I smiled.

"Do you have apple juice?"

"We sure do?"

Ava followed me into the kitchen and I poured her something to drink.

"Food is almost ready." Janis told me.

"Good I'm starving." We both giggled.

When dinner was ready, Janis sat the table, we said grace. Genesis dug right in.

"Really?" I glared at him.

HUSTLE: Book 2: "PAY BACK" (August Alsina )Where stories live. Discover now