Chapter 47: Baby G

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Months passed and some things changed, others remained the same. I'm about 8 months pregnant now. So far things have been ok except that I'm considered as a high risk pregnancy. Trix is back ,but still have a little memory loss on certain things. For example, she still can't member what happened to her.
Aniya and I indeed found out we are related a month ago. My papers were wrong and I found out like her that my mother is black and father is Asian decent. The more we dug into it, we found out that we are in fact sisters. I cried so much after hearing the news. "I have family" was the only thing that ran through my mind. Since then we been so close and she's been here for me more than Genesis.
I know you guys are wondering what I am having. It's a girl. I will name her Genesis as well. Her nickname will me GiGi. Who knew that baby geno will be wearing bows and dresses. I smile every time I feel her kick, move and hiccup. Geno acts different now. He's been more focus on money and the trap instead of me or the baby. At night he hold us close, but by the time we wake up, he's gone already to handle business. It's been lonely, but  my girls Unique, Zoey and Aniya been by my side.

Today I'm going to go pick out my cake for my baby shower. I'm doing everything in glitter rose gold, pink and white. Aniya is tagging along since Chris and G are handling business as usual.

"This is cute Eden." I looked at the cake and smiled.

"Yes, I think this is the one."  I replied.

The bakery let us taste different flavors. I set my mind on the strawberry.

"So G's birthday is today. I'm still trying to figure out why he's not spending this day with him wife and child." Aniya looked at me.

"I know, that's why I plan on doing some real nice for him tonight. He's been busy lately, I want to ease some stress from him tonight. I got us a hotel suite at the Four Seasons, nice dinner And all."

"That sounds so nice. He's going to love it." She replied.

We left and went to Carters so I can buy GiGi some more clothes. "I think I should head to Walmart and get some sleepers for her." I turn to Aniya.

"Yea they are a lot cheaper too." We both chuckle.


I got dressed up really nice for G birthday celebration. He walked in the room.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I squealed.

"Thank you." He pecked my lips.

"Why you so dressed up?" He asked.

"I have a surprise for you." I smiled.

"Oh for real?" He questioned. "Let me hit the shower and get dress."

After G got ready, we made our way downstairs. I glared at his mom while she gave him a birthday gift. Yes the witch is still here.

This is the most I seen him relax. We got in the car and I drove. G rubbed my tummy a little then started texting. To be 8 months I wasn't huge. My doctor informed me, because this is my first child, I have a small frame and that my baby is a little underweight, that is why my belly is not huge. It's big and round but not huge like other women that I've seen.

"So how's everything going at the spot?" I asked him.

"Straight" he replied with no emotion.

"And why I can't know exactly how things are going, lately you been so secretive." I responded.

"I need to handle this shit on my own, you just focus on being a good house wife."

I frowned up.

"Since when I wasn't in charge no more?" I asked him.

"Since I said so." He sucked his teeth.

I laughed to my self and kept quiet. G stayed on his phone. The rest of the ride was silent. We made it to the restaurant.

"This nice." He broke the silence.

I remained quiet and kept looking at the menu.

After our awkward dinner, G was trying to go home so he can turn up with his boys tonight.

"I booked us a room at the Four Seasons." I informed him.

"Well ight lets go and I'll turn up tomorrow."  He responded.

We got to the hotel and the room was nice. "Wow." I looked around. I turn to see G sitting on the couch on his phone.

"Who is she?" I asked him. Geno frowned up.

"Who is who?"

"Geno don't play fucking stupid! Who is the bitch you been cheating with? You are constantly on your phone, barely home and don't even give me or your daughter any damn attention." I folded my arms across my chest.

"I'm not cheating Eden, like damn I been busy lately making sure we good." He got loud with me.

"That's fucking bullshit G. Lately you been an real asshole towards me, haven't even mention Ava since I don't know when. Ive been the one calling Nia to meet up so your daughter can see you. You missed I don't know how many doctors appointments with me. You don't even know that I am high risk. So like I says who is the bitch?"

"Look it's this new chick we got name Jade. She's been doing a hell of a job making sure things are check. There's nothing between us. She's just going to run things for a while." He told me.

I snatched G's phone and started to go threw it. I saw her name and went through the messages. I seen they been meeting up and even ha lunch today. She wishing him Happy Birthday Boss and more. I threw his phone.

"Dead ass fuck you!" I told him. Before he could too me, I grabbed my stuff and left. I got in the car and sped off to Zoey house. I rang the doorbell.

"What's wrong boo?" I broke down in tears.

"You found out about Jade taking your place at the spot. I was going to tell you sis but you was already going through a lot with him and you're high risk." She explained.

"I just need a place to stay until I can find somewhere for the baby and I." I wiped my face.

"I still got the key to your old place."

I frowned and giggled.

"It's a long story ,but I got connections."

Zoey went to get the keys to my old place. I guess some how G was still making payments on it.

She came back. "He's not cheating Eden. Things may look bad, but trust Geno got good tension and only doing this for you and the baby."

I hear what she was saying ,but at this point I'm a single mother. Just me and my baby.

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