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Hey fuckers I'm back!

I listened to Brain all the way to my apartment as he told me and Harrison about how he made a whole room full of blood.

He put Harrison to sleep, but me, on the other hand, had never felt more awake.

The way he talked about it the more I wanted to try it. To kill. I wanted to give into my urges. God. Here them scream...

I shook the thought out of my head and pulled into the parking lot. I got out and unbuckled the child.

We headed up and into the apartment.

"I'll put him in the room." Brain said and I nodded handing him my son. For some reason I trusted him. He sees Harrison as his family.

He came back out and sat on the couch. I looked at him for a sign to sit too. Stupid. It's my house.

He patted the spot next to him and I sat down.

"Buy some rats tomorrow."


"You'll see."

"Okay" Why rats?


I woke up and yawned. Rolling onto my back I opened my eyes. Brian looked down at me.

"Morning little brother" I had my head laying in his lap.

"Mornin" I sat up and streached.

"You feel asleep, and I didn't want to wake you." He stood up and shook out his legs. "My legs fell asleep!"

"Sorry." I mumbled looking down. For some reason I wanted to please my older brother. I wanted him to like me.

"It's fine!" He waved it off. "You got pancake mix?"

"Yeah!" I ran into the kitchen like a little kid and got it. I ran back and held it out proudly, like a dog with a dead bird.

He stared at me a second before laughing. "Exited much?"

Shit. I never show emotion. But with my brother I couldn't help it. I looked down.

"Sorry." He ruffled my hair.

"It's okay!" He chuckled, and started to the kitchen with the box. "Why don't you wake up Harrison?"

"Oh! Okay!" Harrison stared up at me from my bed. I'd have to get him a crib,or pick the old one up from Rita's house. I sighed and picked up my little monster.
"Come on!"

"Brain's making pancakes, but since you can't eat them, how about some milk?"

"It's on the table. Warm and all." Brain pointed with the wisk.

I sat down and started feeding Harrison when my phone went off.

"Shit!" I hissed, earning a glance from my older sibling. I answered the phone. "Dexter Morgan!"

"Yes. Coming." I hung up and put Harrison in his chair. I grabbed my bag and headed to the door. "I have to go to a crime scene!"

Brain smirked,like he had an idea of what we'd find. "Pick up rats on the way back."

I nodded and pulled open the door. "Oh and Brother?"


"Enjoy my gift!"

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