Chapter 10

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Once again, I apologize for not uploading, this is so slack, even though I know like no one reads this but anyway, thank you for 1k + reads and here's a chapter, there will hopefully be a long Char POV chapter soon but for now here's a short chapter.




Olivia's POV

I lay on the couch with Louis my head on his chest and his arms wrapped around my waist, the TV mumbling in the background.

"Livvy I have a surprise for you..." Louis smiled, sitting up with me and twirling my hair within his fingers. I looked up at him.


"Well you know how uh, you've been telling me to do something with my dream?"

"Yeah..." I said curiously, sitting up and crossing my legs whilst facing him.

"Well the boys and I are going to finally audition... Audition for X Factor, well we just thought I guess that something could come from it, and if we don't get very far, well we can at least say we tried, and if something does then, great." He said smiling.

"That's great, I'm so proud of you!" I squealed jumping onto him for a hug, causing him to fall with his back, with me on the top of him.

"Thank you." He whispered into my ear, "for everything." I smiled and pecked him on the lips. He stared at my lips as I drew away, teasing him.

"Liv." He looked at me seriously.

"Yeah?" I said worriedly.

"You know... We need to call Char and tell her about... This. Because you can't just lose a friendship that easy... And you shouldn't have to just because of me."

I let out a quiet groan, "I was afraid you were going to say that," he continued to stare it me seriously, "but" I continued, "I agree, we need to tell her, but how, I don't know her Australian number."

"I'm her brother Liv." Louis sighed.

"Right, okay so it'll be about 10am over there considering it's 8 here." I said whilst checking the time on my phone.

Louis handed me his phone with the number on it ready to call and I nervously dialed it, putting it to speaker phone.

"Hey Louis!" Charlotte chirped and a sense of relief washed over my body, it had been so long since I heard her voice, I used to talk to her so constantly.

"Louis?" She asked again.

"It's Olivia." I said nervously.

"Oh. You. So have you finally come to the conclusion that sneaking around with your best friend's brother is a bitch move or..." I paused, absolutely astounded, looking up at Louis, who stroked my hand comfortingly.

"No I called to tell you I'm sorry, and I know it was wrong and I shouldn't have done it but... I couldn't really help it, I've called because we wanted you to know that we've... He's my boyfriend now, and I know I should've asked you first but he asked and I couldn't exactly call you since you disappeared off the face of the fucking Earth without even telling me, oh and by the way thanks for that, I still thought we we're best friends, but whatever, that's absolutely fine." I said, getting more annoyed by the second.

"Well if you've chosen him over me..." She paused, "Well I guess we can't be friends."

"Charlotte, it's not like tha.." I stopped myself when I heard a beeping coming from the other side, she'd hung up. Tears tugged at the corners of my eyes. Louis pulled me into a hug, "It's okay Liv, maybe she just needs time..."

"Louis, it's been two months! How much time does she need?" I yelled, pushing him away. The tears took over and I pressed my face into the couch pillow. Louis hooked his arm around me and pulled me into him.

"Shh..." He whispered, rubbing my back to calm me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2013 ⏰

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