Chapter 1

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"Good morning class!" I said, a little too happily for a Monday morning.

'Ugh, I hate math. Why do I have to be in math first period.'

'Its Monday! Yay! I have dance tonight!'

'I hate Mondays...'

I listened the usual Monday morning thoughts coming from my students minds. I completely understood. I hate Mondays too!

"I expect you guys are all already working on your warm up like the good kids I'm sure you are!" I said already knowing that all 23 of my juniors would now take out their binders and pencils and get to work.

As I predicted I watched every single student take out their binders and pencils and get started.

'Why does she make us do these stupid things?'

"What is math?' How are we suppose to answer that?'

'Math involves shapes, numbers, letters, we use math everyday. We need to learn math in order to get jobs in various fields, such as construction and archaeology.'

At least one person is taking taking this serious... The answer came from a jock, Mark, in the second row.

"Mark, would you care to answer the warm up?" I asked in a polite voice.

He scoffed. "How would I know?" he said lazily.

"Just give it a try," I replied sort of annoyed, since I knew he knew the answer.

He just sat there, staring at me like I had three eyes.

"Anytime now Mark," I finally snapped.

"Fine. Math is some stupid shit you make us do everyday." he replied calmly.

At this I walked over to him and snatched his paper off his desk. I then held his paper and read what I already knew it said.

"That's not what you put here,"

He then proceeded to pluck the paper from my hand and say, "I don't need this! How would you even know what I wrote anyway?" Then he stood up and walked out of the room.

If only he knew...

The rest of class went pretty smoothly. That was until my free period. We got two new students today and I was suppose to meet with them and their parents during the third hour of my day.


"Hi! Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Bracht! Nice to meet you Sarah and, forgive me, is it Toby?" I beamed as they entered my classroom.

"Nice to meet you." all the Bracht's said in a much less enthusiastic voice than my own. I guess going to a parent-teacher conference with a person younger than them is kind of weird...

"So, you just moved to Miami?" I asked trying to start some small talk.

"Yes, last week actually."

"Oh! That's nice. So, um, it looks like both Toby and Sarah are in my advisory! Great! They will be a wonderful addition to my little family." They said nothing.

AWKWARD! "In case you don't know, advisory is sort of like students free period. Everyone bonds and treats each other like family, although they are pretty much able to do whatever they want..." I trailed off.

Silence filled the room. I know it was wrong and I try my hardest not to do it but I just had to read their minds, to see what they were thinking about me.

'Is she about done? It's bad enough I have to go to this crappy school, but now I' gonna be stuck with an overly enthusiastic teacher... great...' That came from Sarah.

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