but i wear it pretty good.

3 1 0

their smiling faces are taunting me

i feel lost in this sea

of people who don't care about my wellbeing

all too easily my friends leave me be

no one knows what i'm seeing

the absence of you

knocks me out

i wish i could tell you my love is true

but i'm sure my words have no clout

i consider going to hide in the loo

after all, anything is better than being in this zoo

but my self-respect is a bit higher than that

so on that hard bench, there i sat

when my thoughts finally turn from you

i am filled with hatred

for this music i don't even listen to

and it makes my body feel like lead

inside my perfect, idealistic world

full of the idiotic dreams of a child

they would play our song

and you would be here

our movements would be in sync and oh so sincere

but that idealistic image in my head couldn't be more wrong

right now you are across town

probably with her

and i've never felt further down

in your arms is the location i'd prefer

and although i claim i'm over you

i'll turn down the sir

who politely asks for my hand, making my self-esteem turn to sand

so you be you

loving that darling angel of yours

and i'll be me

uncomfortably formal and falsely adorned

pathetic as a puppy dog can be

and hopelessly devoted to you

but maybe it will be just fine

perhaps someone exists who can deter my mind from my past

a love that just might last

hey, this song isn't too bad

it has a good beat and my heart is less sad

my legs move of their own accord

my friends loudly sing offkey and I smile

and so does the wearer of those sparkling eyes

i swear that this is the last time you will ever hold me down

so have fun across town

if anyone needs me, just tell them i'll be here

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