Chapter 2: How did I get here?

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I walk to the kitchen to get some hot cocoa, pushing my jet black hair out of my face. While that was warming up, I decided to head to the bathroom to see if I had any injuries. I look into the mirror and notice how my crystal blue eyes light up against my creamy white skin. I start to look myself over while getting out my first aid kit. I come across my size 'B' breast. They are some what bigger, and they are tender as well. I guess it's noting to worry about. I continue to look my self over and I notice nothing eles except for some cuts and stuff, nothing aside from the everyday abuse.

After I finished patching myself up, I remembered my hot cocoa. I got it and headed to the couch. I went over all of the bills, seeing if I could possibly get a job and have somethings turned on. The bills were just too high, there was no way I could pay them off with one job. I would either have to quit school and get multiple jobs or suffer for a few more years. I have to pay the bills beacuse my parents are never here. They havent been here in four months this time. I hope they never come back. Everytime I hope that they don't come back, they end up here again with a new "friend" who would love to meet me.

 It always happens like this..." this is," enters name here, "and we told him all about you. He couldn't wait to meet you." With an evil 'mwhaha' look. i think to myself, 'not again'. Mom says, " why don't you show him around the house? Make your room the last room."

"Yes maam," I say preparing myself for the rape about to take place. I immediatly head up stairs. I walk up and down the hallway avoiding my room as much as possible. When we do pass it I don't point it out. He eventually notices and asks what that room is but I act like I don't hear him and go down stairs to show him the rest of the house. Once we finish, I go up stairs and take him to my room. He follows and locks the door behind him. He takes off him shirt and, well, you know what happens next. I get rapped. That's actually how I lost my virginity.

 Here I am, wondering how I got myself into this situation. I realize I didn't do it at all. It was all my parents and those nasty men they bring home with them.  I need to stop this before I get seriously injured. I put up with it one last time, then when he's gone, I throw myself down the stairs, face first into the wall eagerly waiting at the bottom of the steps to kill me. My parents were on their way out when they hear my face smack up againt the hard, cold, ungiving wall. They look back just to see if I was going to die, then left me there. I pass out. I awake who knows how long later, in a white, sterile room filled with strangers. I didn't ask for any of this! It's all my parents fault.

Then, I start thinking. I saw my parents leave, so who brought me here? They didn't care enough to call 911, I know that. So, who could it have been? I look around at face after dreary, hopeless faces, until I see him. Nat! Standing there, looking at the doctor, trying to figure out what is wrong with me. I strain to listen and all I manage to hear is, "it was a suicide attempt". I guess in a way it was. I expected to be left there and die. Nat must have saved me.

"Nat!" I scream out. No one can hear me. I try it again, "Nat!". One of the nurses looks over. Coes to me and whispers quietly in my ever so delicate ear, "no one can hear you, sweety. You lost your voice for ever when you hit the wall". I no longer have a voice? Could my life get any worse? She leans down to me again and says, "do you know that fine, young boy over there?". I almost try to say yes, but remember I can not speak so, I nod my head. She hands me a note pad and a pen. I give her a questioning look. She says, "write his name". I look down at the pad and pen. I don't know how to use it. I know what they are but, trying to write is like trying to herd cats. The nurse looks at me kind of aggravated. I give the look right back and call for Nat again. This time something happens. My voice gives a loud pop and crack. Nat runs over to me with a look of panic and relief.

"Isabella, say something! Try to speak please,"! I open my mouth and start babbling on and on about why I did it and exactly what happened. After I finally shut up, everyone stared at me in awe. The doctor ran up to me as soon as he could push everyone out of the way. He looked at me and told Nat that I was in denile and the fall must have done damage to my brain. Nat started bawling and ran out of the room. I called after him but for some reason my voice stopped working again. I did the only thing I could do. I jumped up out of the bed and out the door I ran. I slammed the door behind me. No one tried to stop me because they knew better than to try. This is when my life changed for the better.

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