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It was after a whole two weeks, i saw him, dressed in dark blue tuxedo, he was the epitome of beauty and looked breathtaking.

Alhamdolillah. My nightmare didn't changed to reality and by Allah's grace, I am married to him. The ceremony was simple, not too many guests were invited. There was no exchange of any word between me and Zayaan in the function. I wanted to speak and apologise for that night but the situation wasn't right to talk all this now.

I sat on the bed of the hotel suite, taking in the marvelous interior designing. The designers were surely creative. I glanced at the wall clock, quarter to one. I yawned loudly, knowing he isn't in the room yet. When he'll come, I'll first apologise and explain him why i did that.

Half past one, I leaned on the backrest, and sleep engulfed me.

I opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings, he hasn't come. Why? A feeling of insecurity crept my spine. The room looked the same as it was the night before. Lights were ON, and the bedroom door was half opened, the way i left it yesterday.

I sat straight, a pang of pain shot through my ears and hands. Why I was so stupif? Removing my earrings, I rubbed my ears softly. My wedding dress was crumpled and the rings and bracelet caused red marks on my skin. I rushed to the bathroom, removing all those things and changed into a long tunic with leggings. I searched through the bag for a hijab, I remembered I packed one.

After getting ready,i  came out of the room and there I saw him, laying on the lounge in an uncomfortable position. His suit jacket was thrown carelessly on the table.

I moved towards his sleeping figure to wake him up, colliding with the table in the process, I sure am a clumsy person.

I guess he is a light sleeper because that low sound woke him up. He rubbed his eyes lazily and when he saw me near him, he stood abruptly and walked out. Literally, he walked out without uttering a word or wishing morning to me, not even a smile also. I felt a sinking feeling in my heart.

After about fifteen minutes, he came back along with the room service guy with breakfast. Without glancing me a look, he started filling his mouth.

''Good Morning.'' I said cheerfully, taking abplate for me. He eyed me for a second, and then continued with his food. Huh?

''Morning.'' His small reply was enough.

There were no conversations then, only the sound of our spoons and plates. My first breakfast with my husband on the first morning of my married life went silent and dull. The day went in a blur with Saffiyah coming with make up girls to get me ready for the Reception tonight.

At the reception, I was engrossed in meeting my family but that insecure feeling didn't left my mind. He hasn't uttered a word to me, leaving that reply to my Good morning.

Maybe he's too shy, no, he can't, before our marriage, i have never seen him being shy at any point. He was always that cool dude type.

Maybe, he's upset with me, for that slap, but he would have refused to this if there was anything like that.

O Allah! Help me. I want to be a good wife.

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