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I glanced at the dining table and scurried towards it. Emptying each dish in plastic containers, I kept them in the refrigerator and stomped towards my room.

''He's'' I laid in my bed with my face buried in the pillow and with one hand, I was punching the pillow trying to control my tears. After getting tired of punching the lifeless thing, I dozed off.

It had been two days since Zayaan showed his ruthless behavior and two days since I ate a complete meal. The sight of food reminds me of Zayaan's attitude, and so I was unable to eat.
Plus, sleep has become my enemy, I found myself sleepy only before Fajr time. At night, I spend my time by doing nothing. I should start taking sleeping pills.

These sleepless nights and famishing feelings are taking a troll on me. I look pallid and haggard, with those dark circles encircling my eyes. Today, I applied the concealor to hide them, and it kinda worked. Aunt Ana and Saffiyah are coming for dinner, I don't want to show them the vulnerable side of me. They are too good and Zayaan is too...
They would get hurt knowing Zayaan's evil ways.

I heard voices outside and so I prepared myself to meet them.

''Assalamualikum.'' Aunt Ana engulfed me in a hug whilst all others replied to my greeting. By all others, I mean Saffiyah and her husband. Zayaan was standing behind me.

''You look so weak, what are you doing to your health?'' Is it that obvious. I just smiled, unable to give an answer to her question. I saw Zayaan watching me through his peripheral vision. Moron, I turned my face towards  Rahil and took him in my arms. He cooed and started playing with my hijab.

All were chatting in the living room, whilst me and Saffiyah settled the dining table. She is a chatter box, continuously saying one thing after another, and me being the shy one, just smiled and giggled as a reply.

''Let's call them, Sisty.'' We walked towards the living room, hand in hand like some high school besties. I'm glad I have such a nice sister in law.

But suddenly, I lost all my energy and found myself falling down but Saffiyah caught me. The last thing I heard was Zayaan's name being called by Saffiyah.

Zayaan's POV:

''Zayaan, zayyan...'' Saffiyah was yelling my name. I rushed towards her with Mom and Kadir following me.

What I saw next, made my heart clench.
''Seher!'' I took her unconscious frame in my arms.

''She was alright, but suddenly she..she.'' Saffiyah was having a shocked expression.

''I should call the doctor.'' I nodded at Kadir and took Seher in my arms, bridal style to my room. I was scared, so scared seeing her Like this.

''There's no need to worry, she needs to take her diet fully, it seems she hasn't eaten properly since one or two days.'' The doctor informed while fixing her glasses on her nose.

''Thank you Doctor.'' Kadir led the doctor outside.

She hasn't been eating properly, but why? Is it because of that day?

''Made her to eat something, I'll send your food inside.'' Mom scurried out and Saffiyah came with the food tray.

I saw her frame breathing peacefully ,her eyes closed. I just stared at her from where I was standing.  Was I'm doing wrong?

After a couple of minutes, her eyebrows twitched and her eyes opened revealing the shiny brown orbs. I saw her taking in her surroundings and the next moment, I sat in front of her on the bed. It might have surprised her because I saw a gasp escaped her lips.

''What the hell were you doing, not eating your food?'' I said quietly but in an intimidating tone. She flinched but said nothing.

''Cat got someone's tongue?'' I mocked and took the food plate in my hands.

''Open your mouth!'' I forwarded a spoon filled with rice towards her mouth.

''I'm not hungry.'' Her voice was hoarse.

''Yes, I can see that, now open your mouth.'' The spoon was still in the air.

''I said I'm not hungry. I didn't forced you to eat so don't force me.'' Okay,I got it right. She has been starving herself because of me. Ugghhh!

Say sorry,apologize! My inner conscience persuaded me. But those words never left my mouth.

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