Chapter Fourteen

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[Liam POV]

Almost a week has passed since Harry beat the crap out of Chris, and Louis and Harry finally realized how perfect they were for each other. Nobody has seen Chris since that day, I'm starting to believe he's hiding out in the infirmary.

Dr. Keith hasn't called us back in that time. Probably because we destroyed his entire office, and he's most likely furious about the entire thing. If I were him, I wouldn't want either of us back in my office either. Paul hasn't said anything about it either.

Hopefully he doesn't.

As for Louis and Harry's blooming relationship, it's nice and then it's not. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally happy for them. It's just the fact that they're so mushy.

We thought it was bad when the air was filled with tension before they were together, now it's practically unbearable. When they're not being all lovey-dovey, like feeding each other at dinner, holding hands almost 24/7, and cuddling all the time, they're looking at each other like they want to rip their clothes off.

It's a bit, no very, disturbing.

And it's not just them, it's Niall and Josh too. Eskimo kisses and cuddling all day long. And then they do what I like to call "The Thing". That's when they get so lost in each other they forget there's a world where it's not just the two of them. Both couples do this.

Sometimes it varies though. Sometimes they'll gaze into each other's eyes, not saying anything, just fond smiles and silence. Sometimes they'll do both the cuddling thing and the staring thing. Or maybe one of them gets lost in the other when we're all talking. 

The worst, though, is when Harry and Louis kiss each other, they sometimes seem to forget that there are other people in the room around them.

Like I said, I'm very happy for them, but it get's awkward when they leave just me and Zayn. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's like third wheeling, except double time.

We're like the two extra wheels on a four wheel car that aren't really necessary.  

Then, when it ends up just being Zayn and I in a conversation, it goes a little something like this: 



"How about that weather?"

"I wouldn't know, I haven't been outside today."


"I really hate these guys." 


Or maybe we might insult them, or list reasons why we hate each boy. Not that we really hate them.

"Harry smells like rotten fish."

"Louis just isn't as fabulous as he'd like to think."

"Niall is so dumb, he got hit by a parked car."

"Josh, close your mouth, we're trying to prevent global warming, not further it."

"Put your shoes back on Louis, your feet reek!"

"Ew, Harry what's that? Oops, it's just your face."

"Josh is so ugly, he makes blind kids cry."

"Niall is secretly a woman."

There's much more. And more than half of the time, our comments go unnoticed.

The day of our community service activity, just so happens to be the day that Chris walks into the cafeteria. Despite the fact that he got beaten up, he walks through the doors with that same arrogant smirk on his face.

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