Chapter 1~Life gets hard~

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Dear readers,

They say that the first time doesn't always turn out that well....
Well,my first chapter is no exception because I'm sure my writing is very basic and not very professional. Only after writing a couple of chapters did I notice that my first few chapters are going to be boring since its way too short and childish. Am I discouraging you???

Of course not!

If you get stuck in the dungeon of boredom, reading this chapter, just open the doors inside it. The doors are labelled as "chapters" and I'm sure you won't regret getting out of the gloomy space once and for all ;)

Nevertheless, till then, happy reading!

New Delhi, India

It was the most windiest and gloomiest day of the month and a figure was squatting in the backyard of a two storeyed house, digging up wet soil to plant a new coriander tree, rosemary and sage herbs beside dozens of other shrubs and flowers that were planted under a transparent little roof which jutted out from a graying wall.

"Right! That's it! I can't use my hands anymore. Where was the other one?" Labeebah exclaimed as she pushed a strand of hair back off her face that was speckled with dirt. "Ah! There you are" she swiftly picked up an abandoned pair of latex gloves lying behind her and began to dig up the little hole in front of her.

Another figure, apparently to have taken a break, approached from the backdoor of the kitchen and bent down to continue her work, only to look here and there in confusion, oblivious to the fact that perhaps what she was looking for might be there in her younger sister's hands.

"Now where are my gloves?" She asked, looking around.

"Uh-huh. Finders keepers. I'm wearing them, Bi" came the muffled reply of Labeebah who was digging away so vigorously that her whole body shook.

"Hey- began the elder one called Bi who went as Habeebah to everyone else except her younger sister.

"Aah, just help me out will you!" Labeebah cried as she struggled to plant a baby stem that was wobbling off in all directions.

Habeebah sighed and began to put the soil back, "whoever told you to dig so deep?"

"Who has to? I'm planting a tree aren't I? I have to dig it deep!" Labeebah grunted.

"It's a rosemary herb Labeebah. Not a whole tree" Habeebah explained.

"Tsk! It's a big task for me anyway. Now keep quiet and help me" said Labeebah impatiently.

Habeebah did and they got immersed in it and worked quitely in harmony and the only sound heard was the wind whirling around them, whipping their hairs and shawls alike in wavy motions. The feeble light of the sun was barely visible behind the dark clouds that had gathered.
After a good many minutes, they were done and stood back to admire their handiwork which they did almost every month.

"That looks good and strong to me" said Labeebah, shaking the soil off her hands.

"It does Alhamdulillah. Now lets go inside. It looks like it's going to rain any moment now" Habeebah said looking up at the oncoming darkness.

"Habeebah! Labeebah" An older voice called out from inside the kitchen and a head poked out from the door. "Are you both done?"

"Yes ma. Aren't they a beauty? I did most of it by myself" Labeebah declared proudly, specks of dirt still clinging on to the edge of her nose.
Habeebah shook her head in amusement. Her sister would never back off from a spotlight if she saw one and this was no exception.

"Yes yes they are now come inside! It might rain any moment" Seeren, their mother said, beckoning them and went back inside the house that was now lit brightly against the contrasting weather.

Habeebah laughed looking at the crestfallen face of her sister. "That is what happens when you praise your own tail, Labee"

Labeebah stuck her tongue out, "you're just jealous that I'm naturally good at everything, Bi. I don't blame you" she shrugged

Habeebah shook her head again, "you mean, good at messing yourself up because you look absolutely wonderful right now" she sniggered looking at the mudcaked hem of her sister's dress.

"Ha I'm proud that I bear signs of having toiled all day" Labeebah huffed as she washed her hands and feet at a pipe.

"All day? I thought it took only 20 minutes" Habeebah said in a teasing tone that aggravated Labeebah some more.

"Fine fine! Just take the praise! I get plenty more all the time" she said with a cocky expression which resulted in Habeebah rolling her eyes.


"Coming, Ma!"

Wiping off their wet feet onto a rug, the girls hurried inside just as the first drops of rain began to drizzle and soon came down pelting as a mighty rain that all the clouds had withheld.


"Where's Aba?" asked Habeebah as they sat around the sofa table to have tea in the evening. The rain had not subsided and it still looked dark outside.

"He's in his room doing some work. Drink your tea before it goes cold" said Seeren.

Labeebah dipped a buttery biscuit into her tea, took it out dripping and put the whole thing into her mouth while munching slowly while absorbed in her own thoughts.

"Ma," Habeebah began, "is Aba alright? Why does he look tensed for the past few days? He seemed even more troubled this morning" Seeren's head snapped up quickly and her expression mirrored the same worried look on her daughters' faces but it was quickly masked beneath a neutral look again.

"It's probably some thing about his work. He did not...he did not tell me when I asked him" said Seeren somewhat hesitantly.

"Oh...okay" Habeebah decided to not ask anything else since her mother did not look too keen to answer those questions. Being kept in the dark about her husband's troubles, Seeren was not satisfied and was determined to know what was in his mind and do her best to get rid of it for him.

After they were done, they sat there waiting for him since he never missed to spend some of his time with his family in the evenings. After awhile, he appeared into the living room and Habeebah sucked in her breath.


-sorry for the inconvenience but you may move on to the next chapter :)



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