Chapter 12 : The Geo-science fair

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Oh don't even let me get started about this chapter! I hated this event so much!

The geo-science fair was a group assignment for term 3 although it was only term 2. It was a project that was supposed to consist of both natural science and geography and this year's theme was " How can we improve the world for future generations ". We were placed in groups of 4 and my group was Diana, Trace and Lenny.

We argued on what to build at first but came to an agreement. We were going to build the Earth and it's movement around the sun.

We worked so hard on the project and 2 weeks later ended up with an amazing project and we were sure we would get 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize. We had a whole booklet saying how we can improve the earth for future generations. When we brought it to school everyone loved our project but they came up with amazing projects too. We took it to the hall and let the judges decide. They said we will only get our results later in the year.

Two weeks later .....

Exams was next week and I started to panic. I had two weeks to study and I completely forgot that exams were coming up so I didn't study at all!

I decided to study this last week that I had. I studied day and night non stop. My brain felt numb and I couldn't really function the next day. I was so exhausted that one day that I slept in class and I was snoring so Dennis  had to wake me up.

It came to exams and I was so tired that my brain couldn't even function properly but I managed to remember most answers. Oh, I was just worried about how my report would look. If I get bad results then I would be transferred to a different school!

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