Picking a Vehicle

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Silverjacks Pov

It was the next day and Miko somehow found out about me and Arcee going out to pick a vehicle mode for me. No doubt Bulk told her after we told him yesterday. So Miko was begging for her to come with us. Arcee and Bulk were unsure of her going but i wasn't that fazed. I wanted to get to know this little human more. So i promised Bulk that we would watch out for her and that she was safe with us.

Silverjack: Come on Bulk, Miko is safe with us.

Bulkhead: Ok fine fine. Miko make sure you behave alright?.

Miko: No worries Bulk!

She winked at him.

Silverjack: So Arcee, where we heading to get my vehicle mode?

Arcee: Ill tell you the plan when we get out there.

Miko: Alright lets go!

Ratchet opened the bridge and we walked through to be in the middle of nowhere. I was confused, and i could see from Mikos face she was as well.

Arcee: Ok so I'm not one for flashy cars and all that so i made a deal with a con that knows his way around cars concidering you are the size to be a car.

Silverjack: Ok. So wait, you made a deal with a con? Sweet, your such a rebel Arcee.

Arcee: I did not want to make the deal personally but i had no choice. I'm not good with cars as i said.

Miko: Don't tell me you chose who im thinking your talking about.

By what Miko just said, i think she knows this decepticon that Arcee is talking about.

Arcee: Just let me conact him to make sure he will be meeting us here. Knockout, you come in?

Miko: Yep, i knew it.

I heard Arcee has a thing for him.

Miko whispered to me. Arcee didn't hear her.

A ground bridge opened up and a red decepticon came walking out. He looked... hot. Woops, no no stop!

???: Well i must say this Autobot is worth my time.

He smirked at me. I ducked my head so he couldn't see me blushing.

Then he completely turned away from me and embraced Arcee in a hug and she laughed out aloud. I just stared in aww.

I looked down at Miko who was just as shocked as i was.

Arcee: Knockout put me down please. Business first, you have to help my friend first.

Silverjack: I think you were right Miko.

I whispered to her. She giggled then nodded.

I spoke up.

Silverjack: So Arcee, I'm guessing you found the right mech?

Arcee: Sorry Silverjack, i know he is a con but he knows how to treat a femme. You must promise me not to tell the others?

Silverjack: I won't Arcee, but i don't know about Miko here.

Knockout: You brought a human sweetspark?

Arcee: I'm sorry, she insisted.

Knockout: Miko is it? You must promise to keep this a secret.

Miko: And what do i get out of it?

Knockout: I know my around, i can get you a free ticket to Slash Monkey, including backstage passes. How does that sound?

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